
Blizzaks are max three winters.

One of those grey market ute's where you have to install the engine yourself was my recomendation for Doug Demuro's new whip.

I don't like them. By far the fastest wearing snow tire on the market, and very expensive compared to similar (paying for the Blizzak name). Especially if you need snow tires from Nov through Apr.

Judging by the headline alone, I was 100% sure this was a Torchinsky article.

Preach on my man!

Never knew that! I will have to Google that later.

Ralph, your rant is WRONG. Wrong wrong wrong. I grew up in the back of my old man's pride and joy 1958 Chevrolet Impala (pictured above in the cartoon comparo), and it is the most beautiful Chevy in the world.

Jetta Sportswagen.

something from the modern classic list like the NSX would be great.

In the linked article someone did a lot of research regarding extradition. It appears that this crime does not appear on the Canadian schedule. Ontario and NY honour each other's tickets, however it does not seem they charged him with any moving vioations so... actually I have no idea what happens but I have seen no

Be careful what you wish for.

This service isn't for those people. The last car I shopped for it took two months to do all the test drives and fit tests with their gear. Then it took five months to locate the car in the colour/options/mileage they wanted.

Are you implying that a MANPAD strike cannot destroy an A10? Because I thought the whole rationale was that the proliferation of MANPADS was one of the factors that weighed heavily against the plane.

What cha gonna do when the US Navy runs wild on you, brother?

The easy answer is "Learn to fish!'. Once you realize all the good Lakes are at the end of some dirt road (or more) you'll have the proper motivation to read this article with vigour.

My hunter inclined friend and fishing buddy recently bought a Russian SKS? type old school military surplus rifle and really wants the boys to get together and fire it.

My local Costo SMOKES Walmart and Target on diaper prices. Out of town friends make a special trip there and buy a trunk full every time they are in town.

2% is an extremely large number, especially since it does not affect how you do business in a bricks and mortar store in the least. Did you pay by cash? Great, we got full price. Did you pay by credit card, shoot, now we only made 98%.

While I agree this CurrentC program sounds like garbage, the fees charged by credit card companies add up and they provide very little service. I am pretty astounded big business hasn't found a way to get rid of credit card fees yet.

F.O.G., if you make $50K a year, 2% is $1,000.00. Do you not want an extra $1,000.00 for not doing anything different at work? The same logic applies here. Except it's in the Billions.