
That is super interesting, thanks.

Keeping calm was the right move. You got what you wanted at the price you wanted for spending $20 of your time. That's #winning.

Speaking as a recreational axe and knife thrower, those modern 'hawks don't really cut it for me. The older civil war style hawks are easier to stick. A pointed curve on each edge, (more axe like), allows you more leeway (surface area) to get the sharp part to stick into the target.

She didn't signal that she was turning right. There is no signal for going straight so... save life first, apologize second.

I, HATE, with great passion, the trend of cladding naked bikes in ugly plastic. Can't I just buy a standard bike with a gas tank and a headlight without all the ugly plastic?

Tinkering your copter to get it to handle. Greasing your bearings for an extra thousand rpm. Hanging out with actual people. Impressing the ladies. Because race copter.

Spec rc car racing involves a "blinky" electronic speed controller (ESC), sometimes of a maximum amperage. Blinky means that when set to default mode the ESC blinks to show the unit is within compliance.

I keep thinking these car vs bike charges are kind of wimpy. Definitely attempted murder in my book. Despite whatever dickery may have occurred, attempting to run someone over is criminal.

Your Mazda fanboi-ism is showing.

Wow, of 14 possible matches on Animal Planet, I've only heard of two of them. My top match was a Canaan Dog. Turns out they are a high energy working dog when I specified a couch potato. Another highly ranked dog was the Greyhound, which I love, but selected the Dog have a high tolerance for cold, which they do not.

I've fallen in love with 3 different racing rescues now with people I know. If I didn't live so far up north I would definitely adopt one. Cold, long winters make it hard to give a Greyhound proper exercise in northern Canada.

It was discontinued for good reason:

They do speak French, technically. My best comparison is that Quebec French is like somebody from the hills of West Virginia with the thickest Southern Accent you've ever heard who says ya'll and got dammmm a whole bunch. It's the same language, but has a whole ton of local flair added in.

Most likely target fixation... On 2 wheels especially, you go where you look, if he was staring at the SUV he was afraid of, boom.

It seems to depend on the players country of origin. For Europeans the Olympic gold medal is the highest accomplishment ever. For a North American, it is the Stanley Cup. There is a possibility this could change in ten years, because NHL players have only been going to the Olympics since 1998. I.E. the only Canadians

No I had to re-watch it to catch that. Good point.

One under-rated skill of Canadian drivers is to know when sometimes it's just not worth the risk and to stay the fuck inside.

It's in London I take fromt eh comments here, that Audi should be right hand drive, making the yuppy and the driver one and the same.

I agree with you in regards to NASCAR being detrimental to racing. I just took offense to your comment about the their "worthless redneck series", considering stockcar racing on a short track is my favourite live sporting event bar none. Stockcars have a lot of potential to be an amazing series if it weren't for

I hate "debris" cautions too man, but this was a whole nother level of hate.