
reports have been for months that if your connection drops for even just a few minutes, the game locks you out and you lose your progress since your last save.

Services like secuROM (which was one of the 3 layers of DRM on Arkham City) have been known to tie into the system and bog down not just the game but entire systems. SimCity's DRM protection means if you have a crappy ISP prone to temporary connection drops, the game might kick you and you lose your save data. Maxis

"Okay you build the power plant."

I didnt have a GFWL account before they made me make one, and I still havent used it since. I have never owned an Xbox so I really would have just preferred to have the option of not having it at all. Steam kept track of my achievements as well and really made the redundancy more blatantly useless.

In the States it was impossible to find for the first holiday season, and afterwards you had to camp a store all the way up to the second holiday season. First price cut probably didnt come at all until the Wii was in the states for 3 years. Then support, interest, and price all came down rather fast.

The game wont run at all without an constant internet connection. Thats DRM. Whether or not they admit it, if I get booted and lose my save because Comcast sucks at keeping my internet cosnsistent, yeah. Thats excessive DRM.

All I was doing was giving you an answer. Why would someone invite a random person to be their neighbor.

Arkham City also made me install SecuROM.

Mike said the game wasnt fun solo, and if you're the only one of your friends with the game, what else are you going to do?

Except in normal economics, the mayor doesnt bulldoze the power plant for the lulz.

Good to see that EA is late to the zombie bandwagon...

Try contacting them. Ive contacted Steam over cancelling a game and so long as you haven't run the game yet, they might be kind.

Not sure, I only had the SNES version, which summoned Bowser. I wouldnt be surprised though. I mean, all it would require is swapping out a sprite.

The original Sim City let you summon Bowser to demolish the city, so...

While I want to play this, and my PC can run it, and my internet is fast enough to handle it,

Honestly, last gen I bought a Wii and played it at first, then lost interest. Everything else I play on my PC. The main Consoles don't thrill me as much. Backed an Ouya, though.

You would have had to wait a couple years, not a couple months. I tried to get a Wii at launch and couldnt find the damn thing until I camped outside a Gamestop in May, six months after launch. And There was actually enough campers to sell out that Gamestop.

One tore it severely during sex, had to be rushed to the ER. And no, not his first time. the other was a teacher from highschool and I really didnt want to ask *WHY* he had to get clipped. The fact he shared this with the class was... strange enough.

Not really. The people who are expecting AAA titles out of this thing dont understand what its really for.

Breaking news: Taylor Swift's next hit single to be called "Ginger Snapped"