They've been reporting this on almost every console since, what, the PS2Slim? And its never happened. Console makers know if they block used games, their system will fail.
They've been reporting this on almost every console since, what, the PS2Slim? And its never happened. Console makers know if they block used games, their system will fail.
I use the Windy Weather one that came with my S3. Its a great visual representation of the weather when I wake up/am inside away from windows and I dont even have to consciously remember to check the weather, I just notice it.
No, not Michael Keaton. Buster Keaton.
I love you.
Buster Keaton is all the proof I need that Batman is real.
"Hey, I'm an 18 year old who hasnt even looked at his toys in literally YEARS. I'm going to go see a little girl I have never met before in my life, sit down, introduce her to these things I clearly dont care about, and have a really uncharacteristic heartfelt moment where I play with these toys I haven't played with…
I say it that way. Depending on the actor in the commercial they say it both ways (especially the Puffs cereal) so it pisses me off when people like you get uppity about it when even the PR people dont seem to care.
his dad took his Halloween candy? That shit would so not fly with me. I would have told my dad to choose his next words wisely, for they might be his last as King.
yeah me too
How have i never thought of a rolling sphere to solve the free roaming problem?
The latter 85 minutes were boring and unimaginative. I had zero interest in the characters to the point where I stopped watching.
The last five or ten minutes killed any enjoyment i had in the entire movie.
the first five minutes of a feature film does not make a good movie.
Yeah, it definitely wasnt pixar. It was better than anything Pixar has pumped out post-WALL-E
If the books interesting I just want to keep reading. But yeah, anything dull like a textbook would knock anyone out.
I will try this tonight. It usually takes me upwards of an hour to fall asleep. It used to be WAY worse though. Like 3 hours, minimum.
Theres enough taxis in Philadelphia to make this a worthy investment.
not everybody is a candidate for lasik. My wife's eyes are so bad that its impossible for Lasik to actually correct her vision fully. Best they can do is not make her totally blind without her glasses.
I stopped at the word "Without" I still have zero complaints with that game.
I wouldnt even call RE4 a reboot. It revamped the controls and mechanics, absolutely, but the story was still in line with everything else. To me a reboot is a completely fresh slate- Nothing to do with everything that has happened before. Example, The Chris Nolan Batman films vs the Joel Shumacher Batman films vs the…