
Err...I don't think I've ever had a camera with a 'spot focus' option. o.0

At 0:39, how did their windshield not shatter from the concussion wave!?

That must be one seriously aerodynamic car!

Between the clean condition, the significantly better-than-usual engine, and what looks like some tasteful aftermarket work, I'm giving this one the Nice Price Thumbs Up.

You know, Clarkson's disdain for American-made cars is awfully ironic when consider how much of a 'POOWWAAAAAHHHH!' burnout and tire-smoke addict that he is. He loves cars that will shred a set of rear tires, he loves ridiculous power figures and loud engines, and he likes going round corners more sideways than the

Sorry I cut it short like that, I had to leave for work. We never actually signed anything, so we just took the Corolla back home.

I don't remember the specifics, honestly. That was 7 years ago and before I knew anything mechanical about how cars worked. I remember the owner yelling at the tech and my dad shaking his head and apologizing to me before driving us back home.

I was 20 and I was in the warm embraces of young love, like only a strapping young man in the springtime of his life can be. Ok, not really. I getting ready to buy my second car, after my first car, a 1988 Toyota Corolla DLX, blew its motor three months after I bought it off a nearby front lawn. One day soon

Did a lot of this look sped up to anyone else?

As the owner of a classic quattro, I cannot even begin to recreate the audible sound of hilariously glee amusement I made when I saw this.

You seriously just stop noticing them after a while. You focus so much on making sure the major stuff works that you're just like "Oh yeah, forgot the cruise control doesn't work. Meh, I don't care- it's just a luxury item anyway. Why did I press that button? The heated seats haven't worked for years, silly."

I get approached at gas stations too, you know.

"Excuse me sir, I can't help but notice you drive an old german sedan. Would you like me to call a tow truck for you? Oh- you're just getting gas? You mean it actually runs?"

I lol'd.

The new one should be easy to work on, lol.

In all fairness, the 1st and 3rd gen ones were actually not bad to work on at all. The 2nd gen though...ugh...

Did somebody say 'Fire and Blood'?

A modern MR2. I know it was technically made in the late 80's, but that just means that the early 90's were full of them by that point.


Well shit. Maybe I just don't have the right pallet for 'proper' craft beers. They're always just too hopsey.

Weird...I could've sworn it tasted markedly better 5 years ago than it does now. Even still, it's not a bad brand if you like wheat beers, which I do. If given the choice between Miller, Budweiser, Bud Light, Coors, etc., I'd still pick Miller. They're sort of the 'best of the worst' for me, haha.

I don't know when Miller bought them, but I remember having Leinenkugel for the first time when I lived in New England and thinking "Oh my fucking god! How is this not the top-selling brand in the nation!?"

I haven't had much of the 'new' Leinenkugel, since I recently moved down South and the beer scene down here is...depressing. I had a case recently and it did seem a tab bit more...watered down than I remembered, but I chalked that up to being a smoker and having the dulled taste buds that result from that.

As for why I

Most Underrated Beers:

Anything by Leinenkugel, Dundee, or Thomas Creek.

Also, the new Guiness Black is all kinds of orgasmic.