Desmond Jones

Yeah and that is pretty cool. It's just that he was the one who inspired me to get into animation and now he's just another generic lets player. But I know youtube makes it nearly impossible to be successful as an animator and that's really unfortunate.

I really wish he was still doing animations.

You're the one who saw it as a dick.

I see it more as making sure this is the last thing they release that is ever successful. Once they are unable to match the success of this game, they'll know how badly they fucked up.

You would not be incorrect.



I’m glad to see that this is more like Heavy Rain than it is Beyond: Two Souls. Most of your choices meant nothing in Beyond and you could literally miss every QTE in a sequence and not be punished.

Oh damn, I was looking forward to MGS V. Could you let me know what else I should and shouldn't like?

I think it would make more of a statement if this is the last thing they release that is ever successful. They know they won’t be able to recapture it. Also, don’t end your comment with “le sigh” if you want people to take what you said seriously.

“Hey look, I called it a demo again!”

You don't have to make a better video to not like this one. Do you say the same thing to movie critics who give a movie a bad score?

You should have just started your post by saying “I haven’t played any of the games" so I wouldn't have wasted my time reading this ignorant response.

Boruto has a manga mini series and one movie. You might want to do some research on the word “milking”.

Careful with that edge. You might cut yourself.

And the Autobots are going to win due to popularity alone. Just like marshmallows. And roller coasters. It's boring when all it really comes down to is a popularity contest.

People still believe this. Lol.

Do you honestly believe that was the reason he was fired? Did you read the rest of the article?

Anthony Burch printed and framed a tweet he got from Anita Sarkeesian. I'm not suprised that someone who kisses her ass would write a book about how a game from almost 20 years ago could be considered sexist.

You might as well have.