Thank you for clearing it up. Nothing beats inside info. ;) And lucky you. Maybe one day I can say I work at Nintendo too. I won't hold my breath though. :o
Thank you for clearing it up. Nothing beats inside info. ;) And lucky you. Maybe one day I can say I work at Nintendo too. I won't hold my breath though. :o
Like I said, depends on the environment. Meth is what Walter White cooks in Breaking Bad. More and more people are cooking that stuff themselves using all sorts of chemicals and allergy medication. Causes people to decay at an alarming rate, stay up days on end and theft seems to be one of their pass times. Here's a…
Caution is not paranoia. It has to be seen in context. I see people talking here about others being paranoid and what not. The reality is that not everyone lives in the same environment. Some live in rich neighborhoods where everyone knows each other. Lower class neighborhoods have apt, which in fact are not…
You don't necessarily need to have had an awful experience. Just living in a shadier neighborhood can do it. Also many woman are raised to be more cautious. If you really don't care, do an experiment, tell everyone you know on social media that you don't close your doors EVER. Leave the door open even when you're not…
It depends where you live. I guarantee if the rate of methamphetamine users goes up in your area you can see your percentage go up drastically. ;) Theft is a tweaker's favorite hobby besides getting high. It's not about being paranoid. From my personal experience, I have reason to be careful. Depends on the area. I've…
The suspect they arrested doesn't look that saavy in technology. He looks like he's too busy getting high on meth. I didn't see his face in the video. I almost did but not quite.
I'd say knife or nothing is more so true for robbers in Canada where weapons are harder to get a hold of. In america though, no so sure. So easy to find guns here.
Dude when you've been in situations like I have, it's not 'crazy'. You're lucky. Maybe you live in Canada. I used to live there and I was less paranoid (still changed my locks though following that thing that happened when I was a kid). Since I moved to 'murika the paranoia has increased but it's not that surprising.…
Penalties in Japan for smoking weed are too severe to be worth it. That's why my Japanese friends would smoke up when they visited Canada (where I used to live).
Eau is water, closest would be 'Toilet water'. Toilet has 2 definitions. Check the second one ;)
Sure perfume was invented for that purpose but the term 'toilette' 'toilettage' refer to the act of washing/dressing yourself. The term exists in English as well. Toilet has two definitions:
'Robbers are looking for a quick score'. True in theory but in practice it can spin differently. Robbers go in expecting no one to be home. If someone is home however, all shit can break loose, whether the inhabitants are armed or not.
Is there any kind of system to ring and be let into the building? If so, I'd take that into consideration as well. Some people just open the door to whoever. No guns there? Lucky you.
Another thing I'm psycho about is locks. I change the lock when I move into an apartment. I have good reason to. When I was little, my…
Lesson #1. If someone knocks on your door, speak through the door but don't open. Why? Because some robbers knock on doors to see if anyone is home. If you don't answer, they'll start breaking in. It almost happened to me. They robbed my neighbor because she wasn't home and then were trying to see if I was there.
I forgot to say this (it just became clear to me): When people saw the new Farcry cover they were a bit thrown off by how racist it is. Now I read your review on how black people are viewed, along with women and my mind couldn't help but make the connection. Ubisoft is owned by frenchmen and ultimately they have the…
Very well written. Thank you for your dedicated output. I'm so glad I changed my mind on pre-ordering. I had a feeling that despite all the glam at E3, Ubisoft would manage to fuck it up. Seems like I wasn't so far off.
What I want to see is a response to this game. What response? I want a game in which if the person keeps targeting certain innocents, shit gets real. All NPCs with the same description+more, come back to hunt you down The idea reminded me of Fallout 2 when you kill a child, every town you go into is hostile…
If this were a real life presentation I'd be getting up, clapping my hands. I read this out loud to my husband because I knew when I started reading it, that it was an article worth sharing.
I must admit when I heard of the new Wolfenstein I also thought 'oh wow a new nazi-killing game, sounds like fun...NOPE' I'm…
Which is indeed a good thing. Honestly, in the industry I prefer it when people know what they're talking about and are passionate about it. Pretty disappointed when I see the opposite working there, and I've seen a few. Just wasted potential. Makes me think 'why don't they go find a job doing shitty apps and leave…
To be fair, I am biased as hell. I've worked in the gaming industry for 7 years. My job is to make sure glitches don't make it to release (unless necessary, read further). I'm the jerk who would figure out 'hacks' and then make sure they're taken away so people can't 'cheat'.
I guess I'm a purist?
To me using the…