
*Sigh*. Are we still trolling on that nonsense front?

Great job on the speaker, MSI.

At first I thought the differently-colored explosions were giving flashbacks to the end of ME3

We'll let you out when we get 10,000 retweets.

Lock them up indefinitely. Time to set a new precedent for doing this stupid shit.

True, but let's not forget the difference between your and you're.

He never asked for this.

They also have mass quantities of deadly neurotoxin.

"It's nice, owning the only pair of gloves in North Korea."

Now playing

How could you defame Dr. Ball so? Good God, man, you blasphemer!

Here, I beefed it up a little:

I'd make a joke about Microsoft not paying developers on time, but it would take a while for me to get it out to you all. Probably a few weeks.

The kicker? Everyone in London has a French accent.

I'm fairly certain PCs could stream to twitch waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before last year when Xbox One and PS4 came out.

I will never understand why people do this. Are they stuck in some infantile period where throwing with stuff to (absolutely not) make a point was a thing?

I can honestly say I thought it was another fake one when that guy in storm trooper armor just popped up looking freaked out and the stupid looking roller droid was shown immediately after.

Guess Sony bit off more than they could chew on advertising the Vita, huh? Oh wait: they barely ever advertised the Vita!

Oh.. noes! In an age where information is available to everyone willing to browse! Someone posted something somewhere else for others that do not visit X subreddit to enjoy! It's the end of the world!