
Wow, for the price of 2 new games you get to carry around your entire library!.. (almost all if you're me :P )... it's a little overpriced but anyone who is buying a Vita can afford one of these easy. If not, sorry.. the Vita isn't meant for you.

Exactly! I used an 8GB for 2 years until I got a 32GB. You can store games on your PC or PS3 so it's not really an issue as you can only play one at a time.

16GB is 29 bucks. You don't need the fucking 64GB card that just recently came out. Use a realistic view of 'those memory cards', not just the highest end one.

My review:

unnatural smoothness? does your life run frame locked or something?

it depends purely on the games... I'm completely fine with watch dogs or GTA at 30 fps but when it comes to racing and fps games, I'd rather turn down the settings to hit 60 fps than have it running at 30 fps because how critical the timing is...

Games are not movies fyi

Obviously some people do like it, but I absolutely loved Kingdoms of Amalur. I just wish there was more DLC so I could sink even more time into it. I love my Amalur character and her gender-neutral armor and ridiculously OP magical abilities.

he was an NPC before the game. *rimshot*

I played WD on consoles and thought the driving mechanics were fine. Obviously they weren't very realistic, but vehicles do not behave like "wheelchairs on ice"

I bet he was an Assassin.

Or you get a decent PC.

Yeah, I'm genuinely surprised by the amount of hype for this game already. Not that I don't think it'll be cool, but I can't help feeling like people's expectations for this game are already way beyond what they should be.

I'll be more inclined to celebrate the studio after the game is released and is what they promised it to be.

As a Shadowplay user, I can confirm it is godlike in comparison. No noticeable performance loss on my end, and it delivers crisp, lossless video right to your HDD.


I'm still a bit of a skeptic. I've been burned by too many games that promised genre defining mind blowing features and never delivered. I still want this game to be good and to be everything promised, but I'll also believe it when I see it. My biggest worry is that it'll end up sort of like minecraft, where it's an

Two genders?! Gender neutral clothing?!?