
The Vita has completely usurped any other device as far as my gaming time goes. It's that good (beautiful hardware capable of great console gaming), that convenient (the ability to pause ad pick up at any point in any game, a godsend for adults with jobs and/or kids), has that much variety (the aforementioned buttload

Guy makes game for fun.
Angry, entitled gamers bitch and moan at him incessantly.Guy takes game down and quits game developing forever.

Jesus, this job sounds as thankless as teaching (which I do).

You know ppl really are shit .. This guy made a simple little game for ppl to enjoy and u have trolls and sites (like this one) breathing down his neck about plagiarism this, stolen art making money this, shit game that... Its a fuckn little time waster a simple fun and frustrating little game that got big, how many

I've been playing free-to-play games on Facebook and mobile devices for years now, and I've spent maybe $40 across more than 100 different titles. That's what, $2.50 a game? That seems fair to me.

It's genius. That's what it is.

It's people capitalizing on the complete dumbing down of society in 2014.

The expand button should only be visible when you mouse over the image, it's obscuring the text on most of these...

Now playing

Heavy Rain's ARI. What better way than to look like a complete nut to everyone else around you?

Murray, what did they do to you?!

"We are not trying to control the world's use of the word 'Candy;' having a trade mark doesn't allow us to do that anyway," he writes. "We're just trying to prevent others from creating games that unfairly capitalise on our success.

I hope it's not a sign of a personal dwindling of interest in PC gaming, but man, I am not really excited by any of these PC titles. No Man's Sky and War for the Overworld have me pumped, but it seems like fewer and fewer games are giving me that "I can't wait to play this" feeling lately. Maybe it's just that I'm

It was only worth 20G, hope it was worth it.

I just looked at what is needed to reaquire your purchases if your 3DS were say stolen. Needless to say, it being Nintendo, it's totally ridiculous.

You miss the "you may not say anything negative or disparaging about etc" part?

Not nearly enough. Hear that, Sony? SEND MORE MONEY.

Breaking news: Machinima still shit. More at 11.

Zelda was just a port though.

Meanwhile in the rest of the world...

The football I know is played with balls and feet.