Considering the framerates shown in parts of Digitial Foundry’s video, using whatever resources they made available to ensure a more stable framerate rather than increase the draw distance would have probably been a better idea.
Considering the framerates shown in parts of Digitial Foundry’s video, using whatever resources they made available to ensure a more stable framerate rather than increase the draw distance would have probably been a better idea.
Remember when Valve & Bethesda tried to introduce payed mods on steam last year, with the modders only getting 30% of the revenue? They aren’t leeching off of modders now, but they did try.
Was your CPU a major bottleneck to your GPU before you upgraded? Because if it wasn’t I wouldn’t expect too big of a change.
It certainly looks like something that went in and out if you know what I mean.
I do find it odd that they’d give a 9 year old the Uncharted Collection of all things...
I think what I like most about the game gameplay wise is that it’s essentially a shooter that’s so slow paced that fast reaction times are meaningless. Instead of reacting to things it’s a game about planing ahead - both for your own movements as for the enemies’. There’s nothing really like it.
It’s not a game I expected to have a particularly outstanding SoundTrack, but World of Warships has tons of good songs from calmer stuff like this menu song:
There’s nothing hardware wise preventing it and I’m pretty sure there are quire a few local co-op games on steam.
Since you have a Titan X, why not use Nvidia Shadowplay? You can have it automatically record the last 20 mintues and save them at the press of a button in up to 4K (I think? on my older GTX 760 it only goes up to 1440p) at 60 fps.
I’m getting 30 - 50 fps (usually around 40) on my PC with a GTX 760 2GB, FX6300 and 8 GB of ram at 1080p, medium - high settings. That’s actually better than what I was expecting, and the came looks pretty fantastic for me. The game does have quite a few bugs though, so far I’ve seen sub-menus not show up where…
The Vita doesn’t support AC wifi, so it’s not working fine because of your router supports AC...
The Vita doesn’t support AC wifi, so it’s not working fine because of your router supports AC...
I don’t know why you see this big difference between a PC outputting an image to a screen and a PS4 outputting an image to a screen. Unless you’re using a laptop, you’re not looking at your computer in either case, you’re looking at whatever screen you have your PC or console connected to.
The real question is: What happens when you have 4 people playing in coop, none of them shooting? The 3 AI players in the vehicle are only there to be your co-op partners. If you’re playing with one other person for example there are only 2 AIs, so I’d be interested in seeing what happens when you have 4 real people…
Are you saying Intel HD graphics isn’t a choice?
It’s not PS4 exclusive.
I strongly disagree:
Exactly, and that’s why I don’t think it’s completely unreasonable to expect 2D games like South Park TSOT to run at 60fps.
I never really use Big Picture Mode, but have they fixed the fact that the in-game big picture overlay doesn’t block inputs to the game? So for example if you press A in the overlay the game will also respond to you pressing A, making the whole overlay completely worthless since to use it you’ll accidentally also be…