
I hate Ted and all his lies!

I believe farmers would. Or Home Depot/Lowes...

I've only listened to the pre-cancellation ones. I haven't listened to the newer ones.

Shit investors caught me laughing at this...

70's Adam West or Family Guy's Adam West. Because Mayor West is my favorite. Especially since listening to one of the FG commentaries where the just talk about the crazy crap Adam says daily.

I didn't know that and now your comment made my day (not in a weird way but that's hilarious)!

What movie is that from?

No I think "Luda" was correct.

No one actually died even from fatal wounds except in the movie.

I use DvdFab's blu ripper and set the size to abotu If you set everything to high quality you'll get a really nice rip. Around 5 or 5 gb will get you a very close to perfect rip. Depends on the movie. The highest I've seen is 8gb at 100%.

I think I told that joke poorly. Tho looking back I could have made that a redneck joke.

"Black Puerto Rican" is a tautologic phrase. It's kind of wrong. You can't be PR without African heritage. You can but you'd have to be able to trace your lineage before the Spanish made it a slave port. Or were technicaly born there without having any actual familiar ties to the country.

Well the "White projects" is what is commonly refered to as the "suburbs"

"Puerto Rican projects"... ummmm I'm PR and I don't live in NYC but that kind of angers me. What to stay classy. "Projects" we understand but I guess the depth of "projects" is seen thru the use of the adjective "Puerto Rican" which suggest a more "project" of the "projects".

Orc or possibly Troll depending on what game you're talking about.

You know if the black of their suits were purple then it would be Modok.

Thank you I couldn't ofr the life of me remember that villian's name. Ender looks crazy there... but I've never been a fan of Marvel's fake-anime style.

Look up "MP3 Doorbell" on Amazon you'll see a bunch of them. I've been looking for one of these so AWESOME!

The 3 was sooo awesome that less than 6 months later the 4 came out. It's really just nothing worth anyone's time. I upgraded because my phone was on it's last legs and ready to literally die. Giz was all about the 3 until the week I bought it to which I found it to be a pile of... Anyway the Droid 4 is a

O I thought the dollar was weaker in Canada. EBay is always good. Troll some deal sites and I'm sure you'll find a family deal that's budgetable. Could always turn to piracy. Maybe just wait until 8 comes out. I'm trying out 8 on my netbook this weekend sooo there's always that.