
Actually they aren't tricked; as in both HR and BR there is a lottery where they know that they can be selected. In HR it's more appearently and life-threatening than in BR because they think it'll never happen to their class. If you remember the main characters talk about watching BR when they were kids or at least

I'm using this on the NEXT complaint I get from QA... hahahaha

Looks like Marge Simpson with a helmet on.

Sounds like something my ex would like...

"when Windows 8 comes along it will go even deeper."

I still don't know who he is...

You are my hero for the day!!!!!

... into your soul.

That saddens me... I was hoping to see a pic of them used as Christmas cards.

What toolbox is that? I'd like on I think. Is it just a basic tackle box?

PLEASE LINK!!! That sound awesome!

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

I really liked it. It sets itself apart from the rest of his novels (which in defense each one is different from the last). I liked his dective noir feel.

Thank you for this! I've had questions about the "reboot" and the naming scheme. You should get a star!!!!

"he is holding cookies for a friend..."

Wth is videocassette?!

I thanked you earlier for realising that it was a joke (and having a sense of humor)... and now begins the comments from people who didn't get the joke.

I thought that this fell under DADT...

I've heard of them but by setting on the CPap is actually pretty high so those won't work for me. the sleep doc was hoping that I could use one fo them when we first did the tests.

I had/have a deviated septum. I don't wear the mask I have the even sexier nose hole one but after 2 years I can't sleep without it. I'm a big guy and even if I had a negative BMI I would still have apnea... sigh.