
My ex said she got the best ****** from the ******s that vibrate too.

They already have... This is "What Women Want" you can find it on Netflix.

Like if he has no lips how does he talk?

wasn't it dehydration?

That was entertaining. I'm waiting for the sequel.

To be fair I still call it "the Outlands"


HA! That's awesome. I really wouldn't have thought of that. Good Show!

OK, that was awesome!

No, the USB icon is a standard not a template. (We encountered that during a project. We could use any number of 'designed' icons but they always resemebled the same icon and we learned that unless you create/mod your own usb that you are supposed to use it).

I smell a meme starting

CEO of Redbox to the Board: "Well if Netflix did it then we can too!"

Is that what you kids are calling it these days?

Because there aren't a lot of them as compared to American/Western adaptations. And normally they stay true to the character but not always the story (see Death Note). And when the characters do over-the-top stuff the live-actions ones try to either stay away from that or go all out and make them awesome not doing

I watched it when SciFi first did Anime. It got me hooked. I didn't understand 90% of it until I sat down and read them all during my lunch break this past summer (figured I should finally read them). And there are still things I don't think I get. I'm not sure.

... but is great with steak!

Oh fuck... I used to sell sunglasses and everyone wanted to try those on... but NO ONE actually bought a pair. One of the other assoc. sold one but it was returned like 5 days later unused and unopened. Which was really sad because it was like a $50 commission if you sold one of those p.o.s. The second version

It's like you saw me reading this...

It's got mixed reviews on Amazon. I personally love/loved mine but it's an older model that I've had for ... 4 or 5 years? My parents gave me this one when they leveled up to the cuisinart one (which I'm thinking of buying). The only issues I have is that the non-stick stuff is flaking off but from scrubbing not on

Only after you dial Room Service which consists of an infinite number of digits