
Maybe its Kanye West nude with an elaborate hat that looks like a woman. The man is a fashion trend setter.

Imma let you finish, but Beyoncé had one of the best anterior cruciate ligaments of all time.

You think that's Gerrymandering? I'll SHOW you Gerrymandering!!

Nope. This is my district and we are repped by one of the most progressive members of congress, Jan Schakowski. Unless she announced a retirement I didn't hear about, challenging her is a losing proposition. That's why the GOP candidates are always totally nuts — the establishment won't touch this race.

Smoky BBQ potato chip residue

That's part of my campaign pledge:

I also question why vibrators are so expensive. VIBRATORS FOR THE PEOPLE.

Happy Birthday #2, Blue Ivy, horsey or no horsey.

Look, I will just break down what we're thinking and pretending we're not here:

Also, how sad that this other girl who was sexually assaulted is so bought into our victim-blaming culture that she can't feel empathy for someone else in the same situation and at least back off. Victims of SA should be able to support each other, but it's really hard sometimes, especially for teens who are

Sorry, I didn't see the bubble only what looked like part of the new Blair Witch film.

Well, we have to eat SOMETHING.

I think you mean fetuses, because it is you who don't give a f*** about babies.

People with schizophrenia can definitely be violent. But its a pretty small percentage. They're actually far more likely to hurt themselves.

Yes, the alumnae groups I've been part of since graduation had women from many different collegiate chapters. If I were to move to Alabama, I could participate in an alumnae group there (though if they're full of Hilly Holbrook types, I probably wouldn't want to).

my point is that it ruined my enjoyment of that film due to how frustrated it made me.

I feel ya, Pink! Been there sista!

Oh the irony of this sweet White woman trying to "save" all these poor Kenyan women from gender inequalities, when women were ruling shit all over preColonial Africa before the last time White people swept through the continent trying to save Africans from themselves.

But that's part of the issue. You're advancing the idea that art is "better" if it's more "true", by which I assume you mean, "realistic". That isn't really a position that anyone in art history would support, though. "Trueness" or realism can be an artistic goal, but it doesn't HAVE to be, and it isn't a "better"