
If that’s the case, they should hire Rachel Dolezal as a consultant.

I think celebrities are a bit different- we’ve already gotten an engrained image of who they are, the mugshot is shock value, not heavily influencing our opinion. With this kid, had they published his mugshot, that would be our initial view of him and would color our opinion of him from then on out.

Maybe you should

If I were a *skeptical* fellow, I’d make a few guesses as to why there was such a landslide...

I completely agree with the argument of this Gawker article. Also, the picture you chose illustrates the reason it is germane to Deadspin. He’s a standout athlete. If the story were simply “Virginia Tech Freshman Arrested On Charges He Abducted & Murdered 13-Year-Old” and he were not an athlete, it wouldn’t make the

But his parents didn’t move to the Democratic People’s Republic of Maryland until he was a sophomore in high school—before that he attended, predictably, an 83-student Christian school in rural Yakima, WA. Maybe he’s a disciple of the same prophets as the Duggars?

technically, VCU is west of 95.

I think it will be a lot easier to get the ashes through customs than a body. I’ve got to admit, I’ve got this really silly mental image of a very nice urn being through an airport x-ray machine.

Maybe I’ll invent a keyboard with circle keys, or something.

Calm down there, Satan.

Mark Sanchez is 4-2 in the playoffs. He reached AFC title game twice. Fact checking before posting is highly recommended.

No one has noticed that the weather lady is totally throwing up gang symbols. #WestSideLowFronts

Bullshit. Macklemore isn’t famous because he’s white, Macklemore is famous because his producer (Ryan Lewis) is fantastic. I don’t care who you are, if you can’t shake your ass to Thrift Shop, Ceiling Can’t Hold Us, etc. then you might as well be dead.

...become a good rapper who makes good songs, or get out of the way to make space for someone who will.


I saw on Twitter someone posted (paraphrased), “saying ‘save the rainforests’ doesn’t automatically mean ‘fuck all other forests,’” which I appreciated as an analogy for all this “all lives matter” nonsense.

Look at you, Uncle Pennybags

I just shook myself like a dog.

I seriously wanted to fly to California just to dick punch him as it aired live

Yeah, we’ll see who’s laughing when he’s worth $200 million because we’re all using his Janglr app to swap pictures of our testicles.