"Turns out that amongst photographs"
"Turns out that amongst photographs"
This steam train graveyard in Bolivia - high in the Andes, totally abandoned.
The Horror... The Horror...
I tried the old one, and the problem is that it's 2/3 scale, so you still feel like you're playing Cruisin' USA. Can I please get one with a gated shift and a full size Nardi? Probably not.
DUI Suspect Crashes Through Liquor Store Wall
Drive-Thru Lawyer in CT!
I'll grant you that there were a handful of new things in here, but if you were to blindfold me and make me listen to the reviews here and reviews of the same cars on TG I'd be hard pressed to tell the difference.
You can unlock an 8 Litre Bentley. WHAT!?
It's a shame that the US Land Rovers are so scarce people don't really drive them like that. I take it mud bogging every couple of months for its self esteem, though.
Campus security golf carts at boarding school. Instant legend status for acquiring one.
Caterham 7
Definitely an Atom
A real devotee would know. WD-40. Cheers nibbles.
The true devotee should know.
Same thing applies for toothbrushes and razorblades, weirdly.