
@drmrw: One looks at the Holocaust and asks, "How could this happen." Another looks and says, " Why does this not happen more?" We are a very violent species.

I read "Starring David Tennant." When I finished watching the video, I was disappointed.

Oh I accept your challenge Canada. In the next month, I will turn all water blue.

@my2doctors: Or one of the other 50000 species that always seem so hellbent on destroying us!

My friend and I though of a movie that would be about cyborgs invading and two young men would have to defy the universe to save the worlds. It would feature George Washing and Abe Lincoln as their fathers, time travel and plenty of twists. Also Lance Armstrong stars and has grenade balls.

Isn't this a post from Io9?

@RainyDayInterns: We have to kill the pirates to stop them from going extinct.

So much history, so much darkness. Sometimes it is just too much for one to handle. I'm glad the pain is over now Bill.

@Mark 2000: Just because you think Apple are good doesn't mean others do. If you look at the marketshare it will say different. OSX is great and has a lot of good and bad about it. Same with Windows 7.

Interesting, I am curious to see how this would interact with Window 7 PCs. I want to have a second screen on my tablet.

Hairy body + This = Success.

I hate walking in halls because of all the slow people, I have to go around others constantly. Now I feel better that I will live longer!

@crazypills77: I'd rather run Mac OSX than whatever they have now on an IPad.

@Kimberly Champion: We are a minority. Martha is resourceful unlike many of the other companions.

He misspelled Tron Legacy as Toy Story 3.

@SeeingI: No, that was Sextropolis.