
@DeadlyForceInstructor: People do matter. If they wanted to start a revolution and the people were for it, they would. If the leaders did not like us, they would not associate themselves with us. We have to start somewhere.

@⌘Z: "My spoon is too big." - Jefferson Davis

@hostile-17: We'll stick with our American English thank you very much. Unless you give us all British accents.

@jamesthompson02: They did stay it in the pilot. The planets were terraformed and settlers were dumped on them.

@DeadlyForceInstructor: You speak for the whole population? I wasn't aware that they all have a group-like conscious.

@NorthernRoamer: Because people on the internet who read comments by anonymous folk really value their time.

@pseudorocket: The West is going to have a wake up call soon, especially Americans. But this is all the more reason to venture out to find new resources.

@csfreestyle: My bestfriend is dating my ex. We all were friends and when we broke up she went to go be clingy on someone else. Happens my friend will take anything.

@pseudorocket: It is never too late and there is always an option for peace. If they still have a vendetta against us then we need to have more dialogue. We must talk about past events and place them behind us. Again, we cannot move forward truly as a race until we settle our inner-quarrels.

@DeadlyForceInstructor: That is a bad philosophy. People act the way that the world treats them. If are dicks, they will be dicks. Being a dick is going to get us nowhere. We must understand each other in order to move ahead and not stagnate.

@tbonesteak: Weird, my school just started teaching it as well. The best way to get along is to understand each other. By taking German as a language, I am immersed in another perspective, one extremely different from my American one.

So many posts knocking China. Sure let's just insult China and expect them not to get angry and continue building at an increased rate instead of not being dicks.

@beanperry: As a brother of a current soldier and son of another solider I can say bombing anyone will only lead to more bloodshed. If we bomb China, we will be the cause of the bloodshed.

"Lucas Remick is Canadian. Probably explains why he's so nice."

At my previous ex and current best friend's girlfriend's house she has a 60 inch tv. However, the couches are like 8 feet away at most. The picture looks so bad. Then again, they all watch movies on their Imacs and never use it.