
@Settings: Oh no no, I'm an Atheist. I've spent some time though being a roman Catholic. My mom was really into it, and we went to some meetings that felt like a cult. I got out, and started questioning. This was around the age of 11 haha.

All right, so does sy-fy still have the rights to Sci-fi? Because I am going to make a Science Fiction channel that actually shows Science Fiction. What a thought!

#13 is my favorite. Spratt did a great job at that silhouette.

@RuckingFetard: I think smartphones are dumb because I have no use for them. I think dumbphones are smart, because they are the correct choice to me.

@Mr. Mew: You changed your tone, I was in the zone. Auto zone.

@Settings: I'm going to sound like a dick but there is a good doctor who quote that went along the lines of, if you choose who lives and dies, doesn't that make you a monster.

@Mr. Mew: You may view us as primates, we may see you as primates. We may be primates, you may be primates. All is how we see it, just take it that you nor I do not share a similar sense of humor and neither of us are wrong.

@marc_unwired: Yes yes, what is a dick move to one is a hilarious move to another. Just the same as good and evil. Everything is perception, a prime example is "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."

@Mr. Mew: Who is the judge of inappropriate? In my society, we think different and would laugh at this. I think we are coming from two opposite ends of the spectrum.

@Mr. Mew: It's all perception, what's dickish to you is not dickish to another. However, I find your comment pretty insulting. Humor is merely a tool we humans use to help get over the dark and sad times.

@Bossun: Thanks for contributing.

@\m/ chaosphere \m/: Thank, I knew someone had to have a sense of humor around here to get a star.

Finally! Harry Potter can live out his true dream!

@An0n: Digging up foreign stuff really helps us find out what is going on domestically right? That logic is flawless.

@An0n: in the late 1700s, if you were for democracy, you were attacked and hated. Want to know why? Because the founding fathers hated democracy. The US is a republic more than a democracy. We did not want people choosing the president, because they would choose a common idiot, so the House of Reps were the ones to

@The_Sporean_Bob: You sound like my English teacher, another goat farmer haha.

@Annalee Newitz: That lady special would upset me. I usually only eat salad out because vegetarian menus are lacking. I'd make a fuss if I had to order that!

What is up with all these videos condensing other videos trend?

It is very simple. For example, 21 x 13.

@Charlie Jane Anders: I was looking for something along the likes of more monetary-wise but I guess your sincerity will do.