
@Captain_Tripps: More like talent, if you could even call it that.

Canada where is my check for hosting Bieber in the USA?

@MaQ: You sir have just created a paradox.

Who's that Grandma in those funny glasses?

@Xacor: Psht, I like breaking the stereotype. I'll stick with it.

AOL? I still use it and get made fun of by my friends. Is that wrong or am I just classy?

@The_Vitto: I thought of the sex scene, and was intrigued.

Anyone have a bigger version of that beautiful picture?

@Megazone33: Let me see some evidence, because I won't trust your words on "the people who made it". The initial miniseries was a backdoor pilot.

Battlestar is great, I wouldn't recommend skipping those episodes. BSG is a daily life series and skipping one episode would just be lame. Trust me, you'll want all of it.

Hmm, I really like Blade Runner and I really like Battlestar Galactica. Why do i have this fetish for robots that look like us!?!

@JabbaB: When you join the Military, you lose your rights as a citizen for your time being.

@ergheiz: Well sorry you won't get to experience pure truthiness.

@xdeathknightx: There is 4, Theatrical release, European Release, Director's cut and Final Cut.

This is my favorite movie. Sad thing is, I can't get my best friend into it.

Lockheed Martin, say hello to all of my extra money.

I want to work here.