
Anyone know who #12, #20 and #22 are cosplaying as?

@Tevor_the_Third: That made me lol, but I'm American and when i cosplay I go all out. I'm doing Roxas from Kh2 this year, and I will be buying contacts, growing my hair out, and making the costume/keyblades from scratch.

@RedCarmine: Well to explain, it will probably be similar. They won't make the graphics top notch in order to have a larger player base. But, playing world of warcraft for 6 years, think that the graphics here are a step up at least.

@holy holes batman: How to do unnecessary things to survive that won't help at all?

I would rather not have the US start the first cyberwar. Please don't.

I will live out in the middle of no where, this sky is too beautiful to pass up.

Tron is the best thing on the list in my opinion. I can't wait to go see that!

@Yofu: I put my thumb over her mouth on my screen then asked my self if she is attractive. Then I took it off.

@JonThomasDesigns: This is perfect for me, if not too big. These will be great for people living in small spaces.

I love the Swedes, I can be proud of my heritage!

I saw it with my 4 male friends and a lady. We all really enjoyed it. I don't know why it did so bad =(.

@3: Noo, don't divide us! We will falter!

@wild_world_girl: Two accounts can be biassed and what not. Plus, happy or any other emotion is more of an opinion term. Steve may of looked down in the dumps to your friends but around his family he is a truly happy man.

@Post-Nuked: I can go to the doctor in the US. It just takes up more of my pay but that doesn't matter since taxes are low.

@OMG! Toast!: When they used "Magical" to describe their products, that made me stop buying their products.

@Starlionblue: Reading from a computer screwed up my vision. Unless i was doing something wrong.