@tineras: I am in the same boat. My eyes all ready suck, I hate spending time on the computer when I don't have too.
@tineras: I am in the same boat. My eyes all ready suck, I hate spending time on the computer when I don't have too.
@LukeDukem: I was listening to that with some creepy music on. That is just profoundly disgusting.
@Milo Corkey: Oh, he sure is. But he was damn good at teaching Biology just weak at Physics. But I challenged him to a game of Volleyball and beat him so i got back at him!
I've been playing Wow on and off for 5 years. My peak was during BC, i was a hardcore raider. But when I tried to play WOTLK, i was saddened. The raids sucked, the attitudes of players seemed changed. I remember when only DBM and Omen were required. Now a shitload of other mods are needed. I miss the old days!
@Don't Make Me Ang Lee. You wouldn't like me when I'm Ang Lee.: This comment is so full of win.
I remember I asked my Biology teacher about White Holes because I was curious. He said real life wasn't like Star Trek =(.
@Tracy Ham and Eggs: My friend and I who are both Atheists, thought it would be fun to watch it. He ended up watching it without me and said there was a message but the overall movie was not that good. I'll go back to watching my 70 films now.
@SpammerOvTheGods: Don't be silly, Dune is...
@Teh Dokter!: When "Wake Up" was featured in the commercial of the Superbowl and Where the Wild Things are.
Sounds like a great holiday!
@sid9221: Jokes on you, they are all fat.
@aec007: Congrats on the star!
@tineras: Ask any more questions Mr.Tineras, and you will find yourself blackbagged.
@Batman: 33k....bitches.
@D-K: I don't think you have much room to talk.
Down with Google! Rise AppleSoft!
@PN - goopplesoft: Dee-ter.
Down with Apple! Rise Googlesoft!
@HashMaster9000: Haha, I want to do the same thing when I get married.
@CoreyHawke: But what if it is a compound?