
@Cory Gross: Violence is not acceptable, if it was we would allow it. We don't, we go to war to protect our interests. If we didn't we would not be where we are today, many people don't get that. Everyday is a war whether it is against a virus, an illness, or another person, we are always fight violence is human

Ahh Gaius Baltar. I love hating his character on BSG. He is a great actor.

@Ajh: Looks like you don't have the guts to change that. You need to be strong if you want change.

@Cory Gross: All nations have wars, you are just picking on the United States. Look at Italians controlling the spice trade way back.

@Zom-B: There are all ready some studies about increasing longevity and some scientists boost they can make a human live 1000 years. I remember Steven King wrote a piece talking about how dark Disney was because of where it got all of its stories.

@Ajh: If you want change, you gotta stand up. If he shows up to your door, kick him in the balls and call the cops. Humans learn through trial and error.

@Maave: That is just...creepy.

@DocSeuss: That really sucks man, I feel for you.

@DocSeuss: Sounds like you are living in the wrong town.

Damn brain. Maybe this explains why I get far then always break away right when I am getting somewhere.

@Teresa Harris: I have seen Smoke Signals and that is it. I loved that movie. I will put those other ones on my list. Thanks =)

It's so true, it is sad.

@Chris Braak: Haha, you relearn something every day. It is better -250 Kelvin, trust me.

@Jared D Weiss: Nahhhh, that'd be too much work, let's just nuke them.