
@Stegerva: Not for long at least.

@tomsomething: Haha, I remember him doing that. Family guy is always a great laugh.

@Rtrain: Looks like i set myself up for that one lol.

@tomsomething: What we've been doing since the dawn of humanity. Trial and Error.

@Cheetoh: Noo you're doing it wrong. You have to download the Iyellowpage app from the App store then open it on your Ipad or Iphone.

@Rtrain: I have low standards, I don't think it can disappoint heh.

@The Curse of Millhaven: I've never really not liked a Sci-Fi movie, even terrible ones. I guess I have low standards but I think it will still be great!

@badWolf: That's the problem, we all are screwed.

Woo, I love BSG, I'm on the second season now and I can't stop watching.

@badWolf: If we treat them as equals, i doubt they will attack us.

@riguitargod: Damn that random person I heard it from many summers ago! I'm surprised I have never learned this in any of my Science classes but it makes total sense.

@markedward: I was taught the oceans reflected light, but now I know.

@Vundal: Considering I don't believe in them, I have to say you are correct sir.

@FrankN.Stein: I would be mad if it was in any language other than German.

I really have never liked any of Pixar's movies, I feel like some part of me is missing.

@Leon: I run it on Mac because I can't get windows, which makes it even more impressive. Thanks for adding to my feat.