
Let me clarify I know that its been portrayed that way but I was hoping someone would finally show it for the fucked up mess it is

Eh, action you’d expect. The other two, sexism and machismo, that’s poor filmmaking. And you can violent, sadistic, and even sexist characters without have those being the features of your movie. Which is not apparently what happened.

You’re not clever.

But you can have a violent, over-the-top action movie with a cast of sadistic characters where the narrative isn’t sexist (female characters are written as fully-rounded characters, the evilness isn’t predicated on sexist tropes), and where the plot is engaging and the jokes are funny? Nothing about “violent criminals

Or maybe it means the central concept is flawed from the start!

To be entirely fair, the trailers were clearly trying to make it look like this would be their Guardians of the Galaxy, so my guess is people expected a lot more comedy. Dark comedy, maybe, but comedy.

:/ this is Olde White Nonsense

He may only be guilty of poor math skills in this case.

Except this script was supposed to be inspired by real life - a reality that pits women against each other instead of targeting the real villains. That’s why I can’t suspend reality here and enjoy it anymore than I can with a Disney movie.

I’m going to take a wild guess and say you don’t know many black people, do you?

The mocking of bae and woke actually drives me up the wall. While I’ll admit the bae is a silly sounding word, it’s mostly harmless. It’s not worse then sweetie or pookie as a nickname for a significant other.

Actually new words get made up all the time. Pretty sure we aren’t borrowing from Danish for our slang (no offense to Danish speakers!). Try reading Chaucer in its original form forthwith and you will see what I mean.

I don’t believe in these newfangled “July” or “August” months anyway. REAL MONTHS CONTAIN LATIN NUMERALS.

Seriously. “July”? What the fuck is that? Call it Messidor or Thermidor like a true revolutionary would!

Oh, I do appreciate what they do, and a lot of them are fine folks. But every time that I've gone to the meetings and stepped up to help when my schedule allowed, I've been treated with less that an open welcome. From my experience, it's still very cliquey. I do help with other groups - sports, scouts, civic etc. -

You know what else this movie majorly left out? How the fuck women got here. Hint: it’s not a lady-related reason.

I love that when they write about guys being “bad”, the men:

Uh, think you missed the entire point of this article. “Moms” aren’t a problem.

“We’re sitting at home…racking our brains, and just watching our wives in this stressed-out life trying to be a great parent…so the inspiration was basically our wives.”