
As the basis for a scientifically valid medical education, it’s pretty damn important.

Especially when the mystery is “why did my baby die?”

“Ariel should ask herself what she did to make me act like I did! She’s emotionally abusing me by holding me accountable for my behavior!”

“I have been physically abused, and I believe all of this is emotional abuse. Ariel should ask herself, ‘has Ariel ever raised a hand to her mother? Has Ariel ever done anything she’s ashamed of to her mother?’”

“I have been physically abused, and I believe all of this is emotional abuse. Ariel should ask herself, ‘has Ariel ever raised a hand to her mother? Has Ariel ever done anything she’s ashamed of to her mother?’”

uh. no. not all parents have hit their kids.

She’s Chuck’s cousin? Huh, learned something.

Although we have proven that the moon is not made of spare ribs, we have not proven that its core cannot be filled with them; therefore, the moon’s core is filled with spare ribs.

That’s the thing about this story. It honestly doesn’t matter if these girls had been coming from bible study and drove in completely without fault - the conditions of the crash were such that the police didn’t have the equipment or ability to get them out, and any attempts were just too dangerous (my friend is an EMT

They might have taken off their seatbelts to you know. Try and escape the car?

Why is this philosophical discussion relevant to a story about bad customer service. It would be if someone did a story about Tidal, and you were asking why people liked certain music. It’s not important to the story. Why do people like getting sparkly presents? Why do people love weed so much they put it in their

Man, it’s almost like people can do whatever the hell makes them happy and it’s a-ok!

That’s fair. I have very complicated feelings on both sides of this! I love me a good wedding. I will cry daintily when you walk down the aisle, give you a tight hug and the sincerest of best wishes, and then get drunk with your cousins and dance barefoot with sunglasses on to “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” until it’s

Ah, I was the last of my friends to get married too. This meant that, as a poor twenty-something, I still had to scrape together cash to travel and gift them up (engagement party, house-warming party, bridal shower, wedding...). This meant, that as a thirty-something getting wed, those same friends flaked out, used

It sucks that their children are estranged, but it’s a brilliant idea. Even if it doesn’t work on Mike and/or Emily Jones, there are other Scientologists who have been forced to cut ties with their families, they might see the billboard and be inspired to reconnect.

Hmm. Interesting. Let’s stereotype this and come to a conclustion.

Hence “between one month and one year old.” The top three in your list all drop below SIDS after the perinatal period.

I misunderstood your first sentence before I finished the paragraph as referring to speed as in amphetamines. That might also work.

You know Tinder’s killing our souls when we’re yearning for the halcyon days of OK Cupid.

I’m in NY and I do flip flops in the rain. Your feet can dry, but your shoes never will....