If you define it as a relationship, breaking up by text is not a thing.
If you define it as a relationship, breaking up by text is not a thing.
Former criminals certainly can contribute to society if we allow them to, but pedophiles should never work with vulnerable children. That’s worse than forcing an alcoholic to only be allowed to work at a bar.
I think there are a lot of people who never developed a love for reading, who think that anyone reading a book must be doing it out of boredom. They think they’re doing you a favor by initiating conversation.
LOLOLOLOLOL Yeah, if a *naturopath* told you, it’s likely wrong.
Come to think of it, those hamentaschen lattes I get at Starbucks every spring never come in cups depicting a chastened Achashverosh sentencing Haman to death. And it’s been forever since a major brewing company trotted out a Lager Ba’Omer with a REMOTELY accurate depiction of Bar Kochba on the label. And when’s the…
Remember kids: Black Lives Matter is a bunch of whiners who are looking for reasons to be offended. The real oppression is a lack of Christmas iconography on your coffee cups.
This is why I’m so opposed to much of this “go fund me” nonsense - it creates an illusion of a support systerm when it’s like a lottery that favors some and for every one favored, thousands more are neglected. Civilized nations have systems in place to catch people who are falling through the cracks.
Yeah I had a list of deal breakers when I was single that I can no longer remember, but I’m certain my husband, who is the best dude I’ve ever met, must have some that were on that list. I think the whole superficial deal breakers thing is actually a bit of defense mechanism in stressful urban dating scenes. It’s like…
Just remind yourself of my motto when you get frustrated: I am the only one who sees the mistakes.
I am living on the damned sun, but am finishing up a baby blanket for a friend in some denim-blue soft acrylic that I just want to sleep in forever.
I feel like it was one of those things where someone probably saw her name, it didn’t really register with them, then they pitched it and everyone thought it was cute and they were like “I’m so clever!”.
I’ll say it again: Feminism without intersectionality is just various shades of bigotry.
Just wanted to say that I am relistening to every episode of welcome to night vale (in preparation for the book) and it is just as amazing the second time. Seriously, if any of you have not listened to this podcast, plllllease do so.
Reading the article helps to understand things. Like the fact that the suit was filed several years ago and the trial is just now getting to court. And the fact that extreme amounts of damages are often sought in cases like this, not at all expecting that to be the end judgement delivered by the court.
GOOD. I’m sure similar things have happened to other women in the often-misogynist sports industry, but it’s been hush-hush due to threats of retaliation. Hopefully this will motivate them to speak up.
There is no point to tipping. It’s a historical vestige. The problem is that it’s pretty entrenched in American culture and getting rid of it will likely lead to even lower wages for waitstaff.
My brother-in-law escaped arrest for drunken canoeing merely by virtue of the fact that he was in the front of the canoe...his companion, who was in the back, was in fact arrested.
Men are told from puberty that the best way to detect testicular cancer is with our hands.