
Wow...nice job figuring out a way to blame men for the problem while completely discounting the experiences of women who have a medically recognized disorder for whom this is supposed to help. Alienating both genders isn’t something I’m used to seeing. Yes, many men don’t take the time needed to build up the

Yes. Viagra is for men who have the desire to have sex but not the physical ability. The increase in blood flow makes it possible. The female version is for women who don’t have the desire for sex but want that to change, so it acts like an anti-depressant of sorts in altering brain chemicals. At least that’s what I

Or, you know, maybe she was at risk for problems relating to withdrawal or acting erratically. It's actually pretty relevant information.

Camping trip, friends were covering for her, she was supposed to be visiting family, she’s at college and no one noticed until she missed more than a few classes, lots of reasons.

I’m gonna guess no pants.

It took five days to announce it publicly. We have no idea what exactly is going on or has gone on. Perhaps she was camping with friends and then they came home without her.

“Homeless alcoholic jeweler bum”

That’s some solid introspection, right there. Well done.

In general, I think you’re absolutely right; callousness and calling a bluff type behaviour in response to suicide threats is inappropriate. But it’s not simply about the looking for attention aspect with him (if a suicidal person is looking for attention, you should consider giving some to them!), it’s that you get a

When I was at University, a female friend of mine would ask me after an evening calls we shared to walk her to her car, and would usually wait until I was ready to go, no matter how much I said “You know, you can go without me, I’ll catch up later”, as I was continually bemused, seeing that we weren’t really very

This is part of why the “why don’t you just turn us down nicely!?” narrative pisses me off. Not because men can and will get violent, though that’s also an issue, but because SO MANY men position it in a way so that they aren’t obviously asking you out. They just make it clear that they want to date you through

Holy frelling shit. That is some scary business.

I am a person who considers himself a progressive feminist, yet I was recently blocked by a female celebrity, and my reaction was similar—emotionally, not pragmatically. I didn’t harass the celebrity who blocked me.

Can you really ghost someone you don’t know AT ALL? I think that’s called being politely told to fuck off. What a creep.

Just a heads-up: if Fiorina is the only Republican candidate out of seven-fucking-teen that doesn’t strike you as batshit crazy, a) you’re not actually Republican and have been voting out of habit for a party that abandoned you ages ago, and b) you haven’t taken a very close look at Carly Fiorina.

Stop avoiding the regift, just tell her you liked it so much you bought her one.

Woof it sounds like she's one of those really ... I don't even know what the word is! On top of shit like that? Like the type of people who have a lot of stationary and send a card for many occasions.

I’d go passive-aggressive, and give her mason jars of homemade jam until she conceded defeat with the gifts. But that’s me.

This is hilarious.

She wasn’t cavity searched when she was booked. She was cavity searched before she had even been arrested, by the side of the road, and then arrested because she struggled while strangers illegally forced their hands into her vagina. There was nothing “routine” about what happened here.