
I don’t know for this specific drug, but there are a couple different options. This medication might be broken down by one of the same liver enzymes that breaks down alcohol, meaning that if you take both, the body won’t be able to break either one down as quickly.

If you currently have renter’s insurance, call them and ask what their jewelry policy is. My company covers jewelry lost to a fire or other disaster for the full price, and up to $1000 for jewelry lost to theft. My ring was appraised for more than that, but not that much more, so we didn’t get an additional policy. I

Well, she’s walking my dog on Wednesday, so if the world ends, you’ll know who to blame.

This is actually a good idea. She’s a low-carb type, so if giving me wine = getting brownies, she might stop the gift exchange.

Yeah, basically. I am happy to walk her dog if it means she will walk my dog. But it seems entirely superfluous for me to go buy a 10$ bottle of white wine for her because she bought me a 10$ bottle of white wine. I have to specially mark the bottles she’s given me so I don’t accidentally regift them. I also buy the

I need to vent about something small and dumb. I have a neighbor with whom I trade favors regularly. We watch each others’ pets, we drive each other to pick up our cars from the shop, etc. It is pretty much equal in favor-doing, and she’s a nice lady.

I think that a policy like that would significantly increase the wage gap between men and women. Women who wanted to have a family would be a much weaker bargaining position than men, because changing jobs or getting fired would reset the maternity leave clock.

But right before that she says she “copy-pasted my cover letter and the opening pages of my novel from my regular e-mail into George’s account”, which is why I assumed that the “another” bit meant sending her usual query to another person, not that she wrote a different one.

I think you ought to read a little closer... This wasn’t a comparison of her first book to her second, this was the same damn thing, word for word, just sent from separate email accounts and under different names.

If it was originally purchased from Amazon, you can see a “book description” which basically shows you the Amazon page for that book. But that goes over the wifi, and it doesn’t seem to work on non-Amazon books.

If it was originally purchased from Amazon, you can see a “book description” which basically shows you the Amazon

I’m 28, no kids yet but I was always sure I wanted them. My partner wasn’t sure until his friends started having babies and he had a chance to interact with them. And both of us have gone from being all “well, we want kids, so we ought to have them as early as our careers permit (which will be in our early 30’s), for

I don’t know, I can think of a bunch of fairly old-school guys I know who got vasectomies when they were done having kids. In some countries, more than half of men over 40 have had vasectomies. There’s no reason to assume that a reversible, less-intrusive male contraceptive option couldn’t become just as popular.

Yeah, a lot of men will balk, but vasectomies also involve a needle to the penis, and they still happen with some frequency.

You’re right, I was thinking of maternity units, which tend to be a little stricter.

Technically, the hospital shouldn’t have told the daughter anything- not whether her mom was present, not whether her mom had appointments scheduled. Not unless she’s signed some type of disclosure form letting them talk to the daughter.

It’s all super confusing. She may never have been pregnant at all- the hospital can’t comment because of HIPAA, and unless her relatives went to her prenatal appointments with her, there’s no way to prove that she was actually receiving care for a pregnancy and had been scheduled for a c-section.

It doesn’t matter for people with laundry in their homes, but my first dorm room was a fifth floor walkup with laundry in the basement. Trust me- descending 6 flights of narrow, twisting stairs with a giant jug of detergent balanced on a laundry basket (which also obscures your view of your feet) is a problem worth

Very few things require spreadsheets, but many things benefit from them.

Congratulations! I’m finishing up my first year of a career-change focused nursing program and I love it. Go you!

He needs to go to a vet. It is probably some type of urinary/bladder infection, which is common and treatable- if that’s the case, he’ll be fine as long as you get him to *a* vet. You don’t need to stress about picking the absolute best vet or feel guilty about going to a cheaper vet.