Ugh...this post is missing something...
Ugh...this post is missing something...
Oh hai.
Oh wow.
It's even worse when you find out that the kid standing next to her is only 14.
The Darkness were that far ahead of the curve even Sony can't claim the Giant Enemy Crab as their own any more...
You obviously don't believe in a thing called love.
another amazing piece of work that is not up for sale..and i dont get it..why is it always xbox controllers...cant some one have some pity and make something for ps3?or is ps3 that ugly?
At least if he ever throws it in a fit of gamer rage ,it will Blink to the couch.
Coaxial network connection, I think. 10Mb half duplex circa 1980.
I looked at that long and hard too. I blew up the picture to see it. I think I decided that it is a coaxial ethernet connection. It's what we refer to at our plant as thin-net. Very antiquated stuff. Capable of 10Mb half duplex traffic on a really good day. You see a lot of that used in older control systems for…