Declan Mance

You say that like its a bad thing.

Lamborghini Diablo? I don't know a ton about them, and I could call a buddy of mine who's an expert on Lamborghinis, but he's out of town.

I'd give ya $50 for it.


This was messed up. I was on the boardwalk with friends when this happened, my friends and I literally had to dive out of the way when he plowed down the CROWDED boardwalk, taking out vendor booths and displays along the way. This poor woman was holding on to the hood of the car and got dragged under the right tire

Just took a quick look at a few of the beach cams - I can see what look to be emergency vehicles at the top edge of this one:

WTF is a car doing on the boardwalk anyway?

Ninjas. No contest.

Here's a larger version.

These car eyelashes.

Front mounted horse heads. You're not fooling anyone, asshole.

Someone didn't have their dose of FREEDOM today. DAMN COMMIE!

Does a car fad ever really die? I mean there is someone out there still doing whistle tips. Whoo whoo!

Was on vacation out west a few weeks back and forgot I took these until I saw this post. I snagged 2 shots. These were taken in Beatty, NV on June 22. About 10 miles from Death Valley

One of my FB friends had photos of it in Death Valley.

Yes, it is.

Now playing

None of these are lifted Baja Squarebacks. I am confused and offended.

Sleek Italian Beauty. Pure and simple.

The R18 has to be among the top 10 best looking race cars of all time.