
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that they're announcing the iPhone4s.

Now that was a great read, Joel.

@snitch: Thanks for the facts. I'll write that next to my Glenn Beck one-liners.

If you really spend your time bothering with this pissing match then you're an idiot.

@Mark 2000: EVERY phone back then looked like a blackberry.

Everyone loves a peeled banana every once in a while.

@vinod1978: "Don't you think that Europe would back down slightly if Apple threatens to leave? Of course they would. "

Here's the scenario. A long-time bonds salesman and his wife, an aspiring actress currently working as a waitress, decide to take their kids out on a simple vacation to the Grand Canyon.

@xair: How are you entitled to anything?

With that kind of animosity being presented by the original writer in the email exchange, I don't blame SJ for trying to put things into context for the guy.

Time to hit up the refurb list... yay cheap laptops!

Jeopardy must be falling on tough times.. wow.

Buy another phone wasn't listed?

It would also be nice to mention that it's a completely open-source home replacement, which was lately forked into cyanogen's cyanogenmod.

@Nick: Marketing 101.

"29 applications were found to request the exact same permissions as applications that are known to be spyware and have been categorized and detected as such by SMobile's solution. A full eight applications explicitly request a specific permission that would allow the device to brick itself, or render it absolutely

@PoG: It was created at HARD industries, across from FLACCID Enterprises.