
Beyonce may not be everyone's favorite but she's worked to get where she is.

Beyoncé dissing Kim Kardashian amuses me way more than it probably should.

I think his main point is right- and horrifying- a fair majority of 'pro-life' white Alabama residents would probably think twice were they told their daughters were pregnant with babies who weren't white. Too bad he caged it in the entirely wrong language.

HBO, you are the worst. You do so much ridiculous and absurd sexposition but then when it comes to one of the hottest foursomes of all time you drop the ball?!

Women who are crushingly ashamed of failing at life estrange themselves from family. Look at that face. That's not the face of evil or carelessness. That's a face of desperation and loss. Empathy. Find some.

Creepy mom arranges for you to spend time with creepy old man for money. Creepy things are going to happen. It's terrible that anyone has to deal with racism, but this outing had "fail" written all over it from the beginning. Jesus Christ, Kris Jenner is the devil.

At least we don't need to hear him use "My wife is cool with it" as a reason why what he does is feminism?

How does she wipe and, like, get it all? There's no way that thing doesn't smell. And butt sweat......just...no.

She has looked awkward her entire pregnancy, and I am not someone who actually thinks pregnant women deserve to be body snarked. But rich women have fashion resources us regulars don't have and therefore have more access to fantastic maternity garb. For example, I thought Jessica Simpson looked amazing during her

I am soo proud of this show you guys. I remember when the pilot premiered and all these white people (read: critics) were all this is stupid and shonda can't write blahhhh. And not only that but ABC refused, like REFUSED to promote the show. Then ABC got salty becasue they found out only black women were watching the