
Me: I’m not paying for another streaming service.

hahaha, Disney probably saw the Titans trailer and said, SWEEP THE LEG, to Filoni before he went to the panel. 

Goddamn. That is actually an astounding surprise. Well, hell yeah! It was completely ridiculous to have this giant gap in one of the coolest parts of the official canon. Man, I really thought that they wouldn’t get me with this streaming service. They know just what buttons to push. No matter how far you run, the

I...I...holy crap.

Colin Farrell transforming into Johnny Depp was one of the biggest disappointments in recent film history for me.

A: They have NO ROMANTIC past. Dumbledore was infatuated with Grindelwald. Grindelwald on the other hand liked Dumbledore’s power and potential, but did not return the feelings.

When something this vile makes sense within a system, one must raise some questions about the system.

What in the fuck point are you trying make? Are you a DNC bot currently melting down? 

BGA2 should be great, fleshing out the races, adding the necron andif the ships they’ve hinted are any indication possibly getting the AdMech would be awesome!

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is pretty good!

Have you ever seen an anime?

I was hoping for poisoned pages a la The Name of the Rose

good for them

Those critics were wrong. 

Of course it’s on Messi’s person. It’s not like his teammates are gonna carry anything.

What? Never keep Lego sets in boxes, that’s what scalpers and weirdos do, build that shit!

He achieved his goal seemingly knowing the effort would kill him, and as a bonus managed to show up Ren as an unstable little bitch. I’m not sure I’d call him a pussy for that.

Luke being a super cynical old man makes perfect sense to me, so much so that I seriously don’t understand those who are upset that Luke isn’t the idealist of the original trilogy. Yes, he was super idealistic...when he was young, but age and experience and seeing what happened with his nephew have chipped away at him