
When something this vile makes sense within a system, one must raise some questions about the system.

What in the fuck point are you trying make? Are you a DNC bot currently melting down? 

BGA2 should be great, fleshing out the races, adding the necron andif the ships they’ve hinted are any indication possibly getting the AdMech would be awesome!

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is pretty good!

Have you ever seen an anime?

good for them

Those critics were wrong. 

Of course it’s on Messi’s person. It’s not like his teammates are gonna carry anything.

Some Trump administration officials are criminals. Therefore all of them are criminals.

‘80s jocks were right - nerds are bad fucking news.

It almost stops. It’s a low speed collision that should not cause any harm to the passengers.

What the fuck am I even supposed to be looking at?

very first post is victim blaming. good fucking job.

I’m having “Where the Red Fern Grows” flash backs.

Our bodies are not built to fight large cats. We have thin skin that doesn’t do a good job protecting our vitals from large claws and huge teeth. We’re good at problem solving and throwing things, and we’re built to do some physical things quite well, but fighting large cats and bears is not what we excel at.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

ugh marriage and home ownership blerrrrgh not fun! Now, cooking that is fun. But frozen food isn’t necessarily about the time it takes to make it’s about not having to grocery shop as often or make sure you have the ingredients together in case you need a last minute meal. There’s even all the blogs and stuff that

Pattern? Yeah, folks in that town can’t handle their fucking liquor!