Those contractors knew what they were signing up for!
Because capital ships are expensive? And the smaller ships probably wouldn’t have had as great an impact.
“You idiots! These are not them! You’ve captured their stunt doubles!”
Hmmmm.... maybe B-25... gunship variant?
Yep. I posted this on another article here, so forgive me for repeating myself, but for me even more so than her being the comic relief, Molly being younger means the older kids have to become replacement parents for her, which is a big part of their maturation.
I still dislike how they cast Molly age-wise. The actress is kind of cute and I don’t care about the race change but she is at least two years too old. A lot of comic Molly’s appeal is that she is a little kid and so powerful. And that cat hat just looks silly on the actress now.
You have to screw up pretty bad to worry about fucking Star Wars underperforming.
I REALLY am loathe to defend Trump, but video CLEARLY shows Abe doing it first. This is why alt-right idiots bleat on about fake news.
Unfortunately I’m worried they’ll turn up and then vote for the Green or some independent because the Democrat only deigns to agrees 98.4% with them, politically.
came here for the Indiana Jones and was not disappointed.
There’s that “liberal bias” I keep hearing about at ESPN. Luckily, we have heroes like Clay Travis and Britt McHenry to defend to good name of Preside...sorry, can’t finish, vomiting out of my eyes.
Maybe clarify that this is not actually affecting the Drive cloud service but only the apps labeled Drive on Macs and PCs.
I’m playing through this now, and this was my 2nd favorite scene. Second only to “J” busting out the Star Spangled Banner while the Nazis were busting down his door.
The answer is D) Joey waits months until he can buy his games, legally, at the Steam Summer Sale or in the 19.99 discount bin at Best Buy. Joey never pays retail because Joey is cheap.