
What a dismal view of consumer intelligence—and probably 99% correct, except for the sexism—men are just as bad, if not worse.

More proof that when GM killed Pontiac, "The wrong kid died!" Nice going GM, how's that Chevy Volt working out for you?

Good info and distinction on use of WD40 for cleaning. I have used it to displace moisture for preliminary wipe-down of various firearms and tools, before going over them with oil.

I got about 10 cans of jigaloo graphite at my local Lowes a while back—they were clearing it out for .99 a can. Then, for some reason, it went to .01. Stuff leaves ugly graphite everywhere it's used, but dayum, it works well on locks, hinges, cables, etc.

The good condition of his guns is because of other aspects of his care—WD40 will displace moisture, but it is a poor protectant and can penetrate into cartridges, compromising their function. I have heard, but haven't personally seen that the waxy silicone compounds from WD40 can also build up around the firing pin,

We had the local Ag University option when I was a kid—great fresh milk, butter, ice cream, beef, pork, etc. No Ag U in my current urban environment, but maybe it's worth a drive. Thanks for this reminder.

I don't buy much from Wholly over-priced Foods, but ground meat is one thing I just about only buy from them. They usually have something good on sale that softens the blow to the wallet. It really is better quality than anything I've gotten from any of our regular chain groceries.

Yeah, my first thought was, "Well, um, what about Bristol?" Yet again we receive an object lesson on why politicians and gummint types in general should keep their focus on the limited government stuff set forth in the Constitution (or whatever local version thereof) and completely out of everything involving our

Excellent tip—thanks! My Great-Grandfather, a devout tea totaler, always kept a pint of rye whiskey with a chunk of rock candy in it for the sore throat-soothing effect. I assume that's the genesis of "rock 'n' rye." I, however, don't think I care to live quite that long and fully intend to wear all organs out as

What version of Android are you running on your OV? Please be sure to note the rom, kernel, and Android version, if you do the write-up. I've shied away from ICSish stuff, out of concern that a dual core processor would be needed for it to run at all well. Such a write up, dispelling backward compatability myths or

That would be a cool round-up article—all the current "features" of ICS that are available for separate download, with some compatibility testing on old hardware, like OG Droid on Froyo.

We use a dedicated shoe dryer—seems more efficient than using a big ol' dryer that's designed for a load of clothes and we don't have to be careful about a little debris on the soles or the like.

My intent in commenting was to try to get people who, from their comments, were not thinking, but just regurgitating positions to recognize that the facts don't match the position and that they should think and study, before adopting positions. The fact that I caused one enough mental discomfort to bail on the

Thanks for cleaning up the thread. I also intended to emphasize that too many very vocal people's positions are poorly linked to science and are more egoistic than grounded in the secular sanctity—regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, age, etc—of all human life. We should be free to choose our own

I have an FM transmitter I sometimes use in my older car that lacks an audio aux input. That combined with any FM radio would work. But you're right—this thing is CUTE and pretty reasonably priced. Though it is always possible to drop a smallish, smooth, electronic device into a wet place by accident, this solution

Any view that fails to recognize all human beings as fundamentally free, independent, responsible actors, rather than as property or automatons, is clearly wrong, immoral, and probably illegal under existing Constitutional and statutory law. The dispute is when, in the life cycle of humans, should or must we

Exactly what I was thinking. These are not abortions, they are miscarriages probably resulting from the extreme stress of the violent change in their social fabric and standing. How they extrapolate that these miscarriages somehow render the geladas more reproductively fit or more viable in evolutionary/survival

Proximity sensor screen off during hand-held calls works fine on my OG Droid, one of the oldest of Android phones, yet still working very well and updated well past what the Google/VZ/Motorola overlords authorized (now running GB 2.3.4). Just out of curiosity, how are 1 and 2 gen Iphones doing these days? Not an

Agreed, as several commenters have noted—there's little to no standardization in how the ports are installed in devices, vertical orientations being the least standardized. However, I have never seen a male USB connector with the USB symbol on the same side as the seam. That does seem to be pretty well standardized.

Stop watching me!