
A young woman was killed in an armed robbery by my house several years ago—district police station is 3 blocks away. Took about 20 mins for a unit to arrive. That situation has gotten a little better, but even in the main residential section of my city, response times are highly variable and often 20 mins or

This is exactly right, practically, morally, and legally:

In NY and several other states and cities, she would have been arrested and her baby would be in foster care. In such "statist" enclaves of the U.S., the story might not have been reported.

Though we would like to live in a world of reason and consistency, we don't. So we have to be aware of the fact that gun laws in the U.S. and in the world are essentially a crazy quilt. SuperStella is obviously doing the right thing and being careful. Here are two online resources for reciprocity information that I

+11 "Also, children need to be educated about gun safety. If you educate children about gun safety, I believe, it takes the mystery out of it. Kids won't be as tempted to look at or touch the gun themselves if you show it to them and explain the safety precautions,seriousness and dangers that guns can cause."

So you're scared to death of a society that is blase about automobile ownership? Statistically, those are THE machines of death.

Alcohol kills far more often than guns.

Thanks; you're right—NY was just the topic of immediate discussion. And to be clear, I am saying that I think all states not only should, but must honor same sex marriages entered into under NY's laws and any other state that provides for them as well as firearm licensure. Reciprocity and full faith and credit

Everything you've said about yourself is good and correct. Please note my comments elsewhere about buckshot.

Re: empty the cylinder/mag—bad idea. Training and common sense says two or three shot groups to center mass. Keep shooting if necessary, but rattling off 5-15, depending on what you're holding could be a problem if your aim is off or if there's more than one goblin. Practice the same drill over and over—2 or 3

Not only does NY (and NJ and MD and several other states and municipalities) have incredibly draconian gun laws, they also refuse to give full faith and credit to the concealed carry or any other firearms licensure from any other state. Wonder how NYers and Jezzies would feel about other states taking the same

Yes +11! My wife and I have the same approach. It doesn't matter where one lives—trouble can show up anyplace and when seconds count, the police are only minutes away. No dig against the Po-Po meant—it's just a fact that we all need to be responsible for ourselves, including our safety, to the extent possible.

I see two paths: 1. try re-flashing your current rom, another rom, or check the CM fora to see if this is a known issue that one of their nightlies or prior versions "fixes." Staying with CM7x may be worthwhile, since you might not have to wipe everything just to change versions within CM7. If you're not otherwise

True dat! My liltankdroid has always had pretty good GPS function, though Maps has sometimes been a PITA due to its resource demands. I've found that problems with GPS and Maps are worse, for me, if I'm using wireless networks to supplement GPS. It is much worse in signal-rich environments, like NY, NY. Had to

As noted elsewhere, without ID of the hardware and rom, it's pretty impossible to respond with anything helpful. Shot in the dark, as an OG Droid user, I've had problems with navigation causing overheating and shutdown—that was running Sapphire and Liquid froyo roms. Switching to Project Elite GB helped, but still

Overwhelmingly, turn and walk away. Irrational is the operative term here.

I dunno, somehow federal wire fraud charges worry me more than Netflix membership charges. If you're really all that hard up, share the cost of a proper membership with a couple of friends. There's dark side, then there's dumb side.

It is painful to be right, under a post gone so wrong. BTW, bringing in racial issues isn't going to help you around any Gawker site—where standards are so good, they've always got double.

Though I can think of a number of reasons I wish it wasn't, 2011 is a part of "all time." And this MIG 0f 2011 contest can only pit an Apple laptop against a proprietary android tablet? Really? Chevy Volt is more significant—by virtue of negative impact (i.e., learning from one's mistakes, though Gummint Motors and

This is lamely myopic—the greatest gadget of ALL time is the thermos—it keeps hot things hot and cold things cold—but how does it know? I'll put a vacuum between stainless steel, plastic or glass up against a bundle (or wafer) of wires any day. EMP? Power outage? Dunk in the lake? Thermos wins.