Seems I recall there was a lot of "necklacing" of speed cams in GB, when they first started going up. Now dat's "da shit!"
Seems I recall there was a lot of "necklacing" of speed cams in GB, when they first started going up. Now dat's "da shit!"
That is God's honest truth! There should be no speed limits, but wreckless operation should be enforced very strictly and competency in high speed emergency operation should be required for any vehicle license. What a boon to mass transit and local businesses that would be. And how great for those of us who care…
Before upgrading one might also want to check to see if any services or software you really need uses active x and/or .NET controls that aren't compatible with IE9. I have a CCD-TV remote viewer and a "cloud" document manager that won't work in the last two IE releases. Yeah, that's lame on everyone's part, but it…
That's the spirit! And what Hildy said +10! Think of the stuff you listed as the stuff you can get away with, b/c it's for havin' a baby. The entire species is hardwired to thank you.
A custom rom might be a problem, but root shouldn't be and that would provide the access and control needed to get rid of bloat and control app network access. Root and a better launcher on an otherwise decent, up to date phone seems fine to me.
I'm with MrMultiverse on this one and suggest that "almost everyone" has no idea how many apps they have phoning home and getting updates/syncing over wifi in the background. I use a firewall app, Droidwall, to block apps "phoning home" if I don't want them to. Can also limit them to wifi or 3g as an option. …
I'm pretty sure that will be up to the user, as it usually is. Anyone using a smart phone in the wild should already be dealing with those issues his/herownself.
Pretty narrow, frankly unhelpful article. I know Gawker and Giz will throw any crap out and claim it's content, but this is more like an information vacuum. It doesn't make the article's drivel any more convincing by using, ad nauseam, the term, "cans." No frequency response specs, no objective testing—just an…
Dayum, guess I won't be getting any buggy audiophile earbuds in the mail now ;-) They actually sound better knowing you fixed them, don't they? Anyway, good job; now go forth and multiply—erm, I mean, show others.
I asked google "how to solder" and got good hits. This one is mostly text, but a good guide:
Glad you guys found a similar instructable—it's really the same job, just at the other end. You know, like 0 and infinity are the same thing. Sorry for being kinda douchey. Though I would've liked the high-end earbuds, I'm sure. Re: soldering small wires and using heat shrink insulation—if you go that route: …
That would be the exact subject of the article. Not to be rude, but have you heard the expression, RTFM? In this instance, the article this post links to should guide you pretty well to fix your Klipscheses. Of course, if you still don't "get it" and want to get rid of them responsibly, you can send them to me. …
Thanks. Found Kona World with a quick search, but couldn't ID the model. Definitely bears further investigation.
That lock will work fine, if no one really wants to steal your bike. Otherwise, waste of $. I had much more substantial cable and chain locks on bikes that were stolen from an urban college campus many years ago. If you're a bike thief, a pair of good size bolt cutters from Harbor Freight is a small but excellent…
You have all been pwnd. And you did it to your
1. Air bags—they are a greater hazard and expense than a benefit, whether in collisions, during interior repairs/mods, and when they inexplicably often don't work, like in rollovers. The seat belt/shoulder strap crap is a similarly poor combination of an automatic heimlich maneuver and a garrotte. Five point…
There's also Agenda Widget that puts a pretty basic calendar on one of your desktop pages. It syncs with your Google Calendar. Another to-do list app recommended on LH is Wunderlist, which apparently also has iOS and other platform apps, too.
Sorry to double reply, but was just over at LH and saw Wunderlist as their "best to-do list" for Android. It's also recommended by a commenter above. RTM, with web access for your other devices, is now apparently free on Android, though with some limitations.
Men are far more concerned that a woman be sexually active and receptive, to the extent that the man wants—which is probably as much as humanly possible (age and health dependent, of course). The details of how that happens are beyond the understanding or caring of most males. Kind of a "Whatever revs your engine,…
There's truth and then there's political propaganda and opinion. So far, there's been very little truth on public display. So far, the way Cain is describing the process of dealing with claims of employee sexual harassment is pretty text-book corporate HR. It's common that the object of an employee complaint, such…