
There are very slim hydration backpacks that would seem to fill your needs/wants. They usually have a little drinking tube with a valve that you can clip to the front of the shoulder straps, so basically all you have to do is put the tube in your mouth and suck.

This article and the comments here are edifying for commenting on sites like LH—how to respond to abusive, ad hominem replies. Trying to elevate and/or objectify the level of discourse sometimes works, but sometimes you're left with the distinct impression that the person across the interwebs from you is operating at

Seoul Sister, you have strong opinions, based on what you perceive to be sound science. Not everyone and not all sound science necessarily agrees with you. When a governmental authority that does not agree with your strongly held opinions is in power, will you just go along with them? Will it then be OK, because

It's nice to see Brian Eno having a resurgence—his genius is unmistakable. Just listen to his work with Roxy Music (I think Eno is only on the first two albums, but could be wrong), 801 (best cover ever of the Beatles' Tomorrow Never Knows), David Bowie, Talking Heads/David Byrne, U2, Robert Fripp, etc. St.

Really! It's amazing how entrenched ignorance can be! That said, what provision in the Constitution gives the federal government power to regulate our states of mind, i.e., our intoxication? Crickets chirping. Lawyers aren't fuckers, but legislators, non-strict-constructionist judges, and power hungry law

Before jumping to the conclusion that Michelle Bachmann is some crazy, misogynistic, yet female nut, one might want to check the, umm, actual science, such as it is on something this new: look up a case in the CDC's VAERS database 380440. The case was reported on February 15, 2010:

Thanks for responding; I understand where you're "glib internet comment" was coming from much better now. I'm over 50 and have a BA from one of the top 15 or so colleges and a JD from a university in the top 10 in my field (education, yeah, got that). I've been around the block a little over 2.5x your experience.

I like the way you interpret genuine disputes over fundamental government policy through your own lense. I hope you really are the age your comment reflects so that you won't be able to vote until you've obtained some education and hopefully maturity.

Or Reagan's or Bush1's? Yeah, this thread displays some serious myopia and a total lack of any sense of history. Over time, others will be in power, one's priorities and views will change. If you empower one group over another without sound, objective criteria, another group will one day use that two-edged sword

Yeah, this post is seriously lacking in historical knowledge and research depth. There have been roses at least as "blue" as the one pictured since the 1970's that I know of. Angle Face is a floribunda that looks like a somewhat lighter, puffier (more petal rows) version of Rhapsody in Blue above. It's one of my

The comments here would make me laugh, if they weren't indicative of a substantial swath of the American people—diverse? In gender and skin color, but not at all in political orientation. Obama's nominations have been the most radically leftist and political of any POTUS since FDR. Does no one get that when you

Hooking the bra in the back and gentle fitting maneuvers of the breasts themselves, including a check that the nipples are quite comfortable is one of the principal purposes of a "manpanion" though it can lead to unnecessarily lengthy and halting dressing procedures.

Ain't dat da trute! Then again, it just means one has to make a connection in a neighboring state, before heading off into the wild blue yonder. The good thing is it keeps Love Field a relatively pleasant, manageable-sized airport, instead of the sprawling transportation hell that is DFW. I will gladly fly into

A vote against baggage fees is essentially a vote for Southwest.

Most private employment is not regulated by the NLRA. Pretty much only large union shops. As another commenter noted, the article give this decision the appearance of much greater breadth than it really has. For most employees, anything that disrupts the workplace or disrespects the boss is plenty of grounds for

Nocturnal does not mean not sleeping. Sleep is important and one needs to get enough, whenever it can be had. My point is that, for some people, like some animals, a nocturnal circadian schedule seems to work better. The mutagenic potential for nocturnal life appears to result from disruptions in melatonin

If you can function (i.e., the world around you will allow it) on a nocturnal schedule and that's naturally where your circadian rhythms take you, why not go with it and revel in it. It is the best partying schedule ever. It's also decent for academic work and you can take all those 8 a.m. classes that formerly were

When MLK was assassinated, anyone remember what happened? Riots. His message took a dive and is still in free-fall. MLK's "revolution," in which people would be judged by their character, rather than their color, did not occur. It was hijacked and a ploy to control and use the AA community politically by the

Angels. Really, when all else fails.

Well done, Zuzax. Now for the obligatory: Android version?