
xscope and miren are very good and may or may not be marginally faster, but neither has the functionality and small footprint of Dolphin mini. they certainly don't have the near desktop-level functionality of Dolphin HD. I ran all of these for several months earlier this year, so while not completely objective and

+10 Dolphin over Opera. Lighter, more intuitive, maybe faster. Dolphin Mini's really great for us OG Droid owners and others particularly sensitive to app space requirements. I truly can't believe that Opera has any significant fan base on any platform, with far better alternatives like FF, IE9+, and Chrome. When

Guess ever'one be workin'!

Most will be for rooted phones, I suspect, b/c that's kinda the point of Android—openness. Without that, there's not much of a reason for it to exist. If one is OK with closed architecture/software, then crackberry, I-phone, and —shudder— WindowsPhone7 are your huckleberries.

This does show how bloated, inefficient and unnecessary a great deal of federal bureaucracy is. I'll venture to say that the FAA may be one of the less bloated fed agencies—nowhere near the useless drain on resources that the Dept. of Education, EPA and others are. Those furloughed or affected by work stoppages are

It's about insurance and da Benjamins. If we all had to actually be responsible for what we do or want, instead of being able to lay irresponsibility off on insurance we'd be a tougher, safer, and richer nation. That would, though, have to go hand in hand with tougher requirements for drivers' licenses. Also a

Really, LH should just take this post down, like now. It's really, really that bad.

In this context, hyperbole isn't all that helpful ("...flying shards of glass will rip through a vacuum cleaner bag and fly back into the air..."). I seriously doubt you've actually seen any such thing other than in a fevered imagination. I've personally vacuumed up glass on many occasions, using shop vacs and home

Wow, I mean, just wow! It is very hard to imagine a more ill-advised thing to do. Even if a person (maybe a child or a homeless person, etc.) doesn't mistake the glass impregnated bread for a snack, an animal, at some point almost certainly will, even if it's at the dump. It's really not that hard to deal with

For a small garden, like in a suburban environment, check your library and/or use interlibrary loan to get and read "The Postage Stamp Garden Book". The original version has been out of print for many years, so it may not be feasible to buy a copy. It is a wonderful gardening book which promotes the basic concepts

There are also fast-growing oaks, like red oak, that might work for you. If you have a state university/college with an ag department and/or a state dept. of agriculture office nearby (or can find online and communicate with email), you may be able to get some well-researched options specific to your region. Same

Just east of the Sabine, I water in evening/night to allow time for the water to soak in, before the whithering sun evaporates every molecule of hydrogen dioxide. It's normally bad to water at night, because the dampness can contribute to fungus and rot, but under high heat, drought conditions, virtual flash

Seems I recall that when the silks that grow through the top of the ears get brown, it's basically ready, but I haven't grown corn in a long, long time. You can gently strip back just a bit of the husk on a representative ear and see what the kernel development looks like, then smooth the husk back in place to let

Not sure of your point, RU, but I think we might be in agreement—i.e., we all kinda have to use our real names for our "professions" or "careers". Otherwise, there would be no name recognition or trust where it is needed. We generally also don't put our personal opinions, off the wall hobbies, or any more than

A recommendation for 3) with a little edge: St. Vincent (aka Annie Clark). Lilting, beautiful, then shredding, deafening guitar, great arranging, sharp, funny lyrics. Hope you enjoy.

Ah, Michael, the exception that proves the rule—now we all wonder, "What's Michael Bauser doing walking around housing projects with a bunch of money in his hands? When will he do it again? Let's do some searches on his name and see what we can find out about this." Don't worry, I'm sure it'll continue to be OK,

Cannot imagine why anyone would use any "real" personal information, including names, on the innertubes. It's like walking around in a housing project holding a bunch of money in your hands. Will everything be OK? Maybe, but probably not. Sure, you have to have professional listings and such, but limit it to

Deal with it; those are the unmoveable sectors on the drive.

I read the little blog post and frankly the take away is that while one can posit various academic economic theories, the truth is that major U.S. airlines' managmenet think we, the traveling public, are all rubes to be pushed to the brink of declining to fly before making any concession to treat us with any respect

Thanks for reminding me to check mine!