
Are you rooted? If not, you should be. There are ways of changing the readahead parameters for the SD card that will likely make as much or more difference than spending a bunch a $ for a higher class card. One App that does this is AutoKiller Memory Manager, but root is required. Additionally, custom roms and

True that Supa and BB are, to most of us swine (i.e., beings that root) merely black-box requirements of the rooting process, but BB, as noted, provides the range of linux commands to do much more, after rooting. I don't know of a root process that doesn't install Supa at the same time, but it there is, you'd want to

Actually it's like a milkshake. Google takes a long straw and puts it in your milkshake and drinks it up. ht/There Will be Blood (the blackest of "black gold" black comedies evah).

Maybe this is the poison pill left by the prior owners/management of Skype when they sold to MS. Watch for some ex-Skypers to do a new, improved offering after a little cooling off period.

Toothpaste is often too abrasive and/or the cloth used is somewhat abrasive, too. In short, try anything like this on some other, similar, but less important surface (like clamshell packaging that you're discarding anyway or a cd/dvd case) before destroying something you only wanted to polish.

Easy now, things could get dicey with everyone swinging 2x4s. Anyway, LH and particularly this kind of article are kinda the poster children for the idea that smart folks ain't nec'ly universally smart. That's not depressing (and shouldn't be surprising)—it's invigorating, like the nice bit of cayenne heat on the

EP, you apparently have a good deal more gardening knowledge than a lot of us—thanks for the info. I'm also dubious of the upside down thingys, but mostly 'cause I don't get how it saves space or anything when you've gotta make room to hang 'em where they'll get enough light and are accessible to water. Then you're

Make sure your wife is cleared to fly at her stage of pregnancy. It's been many years since I had those concerns, but as I recall, there are some limits that ob/gyns and maybe airlines impose on flying for pregnant women. Still, guessing @ 3-4 hr. flight vs. 16 hr. drive? Holy carp! Nice PL score!

VeganTab 7 (Ginger Ed.) came with a kinda cool split keyboard with numbers in the middle. Had it been better scaled, i.e., bigger buttons, it would've been great. Might be great for folk without big "man" hands. I dl'd a free alt keyboard called thick buttons and can very nearly touch-type, as on a hard keyboard (I

Thanks for the replies. I don't put the phone on the dash—it's usually in my hand, with the back open to the air or in a cupholder. She's 100% exothermic—with max o/c at 1100, she could keep coffee hot. The A/C vent does help lots—def gonna build onea those phone holders that clips onto a vent for this reason.

That's off the chain, erm, unchained (melody, that is). Nice one—that's a song I don't mind having stuck in my head for a while.

"And his momma cried..." h/t Mac Davis

I wonder if this would work better on my OG Droid than the actual maps app? I have found gmail more responsive via browser, than through the app, so maybe? Maps has consistently been the most problematic app on my phone—often hangs, navigation fails, grills the processor (I hold the phone up to the A/C vent while

I was wondering about this—does the dog get all springy and happy when they're about to jump, like when mine sees me with a leash? I'm a little disappointed to see he's muzzled (I know, O2 needed for HALO jumps), since I'll bet hanging his toungue out during free-fall would be way better than sticking it out a car

Prayers for you—f'realz, prayers/meditation/yoga may be helpful to you, based on the symptoms described—you're dealing with stress, accommodation of changes in atmospheric pressure and inflammation. I have some similar reactions to pressure and humidity changes and have found ibuprofen combined with the

And his momma cried....

Sudafed is a demon pellet—just don't. Kidding, but these drugs have very individualized effects on people. If you've had trouble with one anti-pisstamine, you owe it to yourself to try some others. They work differently. I've used chlorphenarimine maleate-based stuff for decades for seasonal allergies with

Welcome to the GTab gang! My son has Vegan 5.x (last froyo version) and I have Vegan 7, GB edition. Mine is significantly snappier and smoother. My son also tried CM7 but found it not too quick and somewhat unstable by comparison to Vegan. Be sure to properly partition your internal sd memory before installing the

Rag it out a little before rooting/rom-ing. Make sure the hardware is all working and get familiar with the controls and such. See what you like and don't about the phone and apps on it. If there are any hardware probs, it'll be easier to get it replaced, if you haven't already rooted it. You may also decide that

Agree totally with these recommendations—definitely get a very basic, sturdy, long battery life phone for a back-up or pure voice use. There may be times you don't even want to be seen using anything valuable like a smartphone and/or when charging will be a problem. On that note, extra battery and charger, maybe one