
Toast buns with butter and/or use other condiments, after toasting. Put meat directly on bottom bun and build from there. Yeah, lettus, tomato, etc. are optional. The bun should absorb the majority of the burger patty's juices. If the bottom bun is getting too saturated: 1. the burger isn't good enough, because

Fine advice from/for someone with taste and some refinement, but for many, clothing is about what's required not to get arrested and/or to meet a work or school dress code. Making a positive statement with clothing and fine tuning to circumstances and audiences takes some education and appreciation less of what one

Freaky—guess that's a new instructable—Reorient your toaster to landscape mode. I think I will try it and see if it will eject right onto a carefully placed plate. Haliphax, may I ask, have you actually done this or is it a product of your outsized imagination?

+10 for the butter bell. As a complete alternative—put thin slices or small chunks of cold butter on bread, toast in toaster oven or under broiler. I particularly like the flavor and aroma of browned butter. Sadly, I cannot adequately portray in words the shiver of gustatory lust that just went through my body and

Not sure, but CM7 may have been your prob w/ GB. ProjectElite GB 5.0.2, with rz kernel and zeam, works very well for me. I do also run AutoKiller Memory Optimizer on "strict." Have had to lock Handcent in memory to avoid missed texts, but otherwise, everything—camera, maps/nav—works well (she does get a little hot

Lawdy, ain't dat da trute! Has everyone become so lily-livered that they can't take a coffee ground, especially finely ground, or ten at the bottom of a cup. I love french press coffee for the flavor and I'll gladly swallow a little extra coffee bean fiber to have that flavor without obsessing over the process

Haters gon' hate. If non-U.S.A'ers your schools' info included or if you want an app that caters to your own national system, write it or work with someone who has that as a goal. It's more xenophobic to carp about a citizen doing something relevant to his/her country than to be that citizen. In fact, as the

This will undoubtedly work as well as 90% of all other bureaucratic regulation.

Having the info aggregated, organized, vetted, and with commentary in one piece of non-volatile memory, preferably a paper book, so you can work on your device while referring to it has a substantial value. Thanks, Mr. Purdy, for this book.

This seems great, though I thought ROM manager had some of this functionality already. Wonder if it'll work with my gTab. A quick word of caution, though—check the forums and your ROM's web page/wiki for info about compatible and incompatible kernels. I had a disconcerting problem with a kernel that didn't play

Moreover, your state actually paid most of the unemployment and medicaid costs incurred. People rarely consider that the feds usually don't pay for all of anything in the way of services or construction projects—they dangle 30-70% of funding in front of local governments, with the threat on the back-end that if they

Part of the cost of buying an item is uncertainty—will it fit, will it work at all, will it need warranty service? Often we buy from a local seller and pay a bit more, including tax, to resolve those uncertainties. So a product's price on line needs to be substantially lower, particularly if it's a type of product

I've been wanting to do something like this for a while, b/c kids' school computers don't want to play nice with the WPA I've been using and Android devices don't seem to like WEP very much at all.

The point of such disclaimers is not to bind an erroneous recipient contractually, but to put them on notice that the content of the email is intended to be confidential or otherwise protected from dissemination. If one makes no effort to designate a communication that is not obviously confidential or legally

See my comment above and don't despair. There are great developers who provide lean, mean, working roms, launchers, etc. for phones without PC level processors and memory.

I've had all these features on my OG Droid for over a month, using ProjectElite 5.0.x. with Zeam launcher and a memory manager called AutoKiller (root required—fundamentally not a task killer, but a memory manager with excellent developer support—made the droid run PE5 even smoother/faster—could do amazing things for

On a related note: sales of Android tablets have really taken off lately—the millions of us who scored Viewsonic gtabs off Woot in the last coupla weeks could really use some LH'er love with an aggregation (like this excellent one for phones) of the rather fragmented and sometimes confusing array of rooting and roming

bakcup is the coffee or tea you drink while it's backing up.

The answer is yes, rooting has its own benefits, apart from the agbility to flash custom roms, but there's no way you can mean what you're saying. I, too, have an OG Droid and have no intention of getting rid of it any time soon. I'm not really a techie either. I followed basic instructions from here to root, then

Coping is for people who can't sleep.