
@Mike Cerm: I, too, hate the ribbon, because I want and often need the screen real estate it hogs. I don't like it popping down and back much either, though hiding it in MSO'07 works reasonably well. I have 90% of the stuff I need on the Quick Access toolbar, which takes up no additional space. That is the way to

@battra92: +10 That's a sonorous Elvis phrase I'm OK with having stuck in my head.

umm, bulk rate, one time rubber stamp—at least for any significant commercial amount of mailing.

What about problems connecting to wep or wpa wifi? I can't connect to anything but open wifi with my Droid1 running CM6.0. Tried repeatedly on my home wpa protected network (so yeah, I know the key), but nada. Anyone else have this issue and a fix?

This is interesting, but no the big deal it's being made out to be in the comments. Hasn't anyone noticed that Apple only appeals to two demographics?

@AmphetamineCrown: I wonder if I use 3 spaces in my comment, it'll leave some more room. I think I'll try it now. Also 4, just for good measure. Given my rather long comment, above, I really wish LH would publish as it's written—it would have been easier to read and the points made would have been clearer.

A double-space (ds) after a sentence is still easier to see and distinguish from a single space between words. Technology isn't the issue and we shouldn't be misled by focusing on what tech can do vs. what actually works to communicate in the most frictionless and universally understandable way that we can. Note

Really—you've got pliers, you've got wrenches, you've got scrap wood and a workbench, and you've got to build something to open a bottle—really? Any one of those items would do the job by itself. Here we see the pitfall of "openness." Shite gets in with the gold. But why publish the former, instead of culling it

Said it before—Apple jumped the shark with the AppleIII. It's been downhill, admittedly with the occasional cool mogul, ever since.

@Relysis: The issue of Mint's security has been investigated and debated extensively before. Gina Trapani did a substantial amount of research and writing on the subject a year or two ago (if memory serves). If you're really interested, you should search for those articles on LH.

@prolificliving: Wrong answer! There absolutely are individual preferences, though one of the wonders of humankind is our ability to adapt to other schedules. It is easier for some than others. I can personally attest to this.

I've got CM6.0 with ADW (still waiting for some of the bugs to get worked out on CM6.1) on Droid1. ADW has been wonky—takes forever to load after reboot, seems to be fc'ing itself and market when I cancel a non-responsive market download. The version that came with CM6.0 isn't current, but trying to update from ADW

@kalachakraa: Very, very excellent recommendation. These are so convenient and inexpensive, it's really crazy not to have one in your kit.

If you're just a casual diy/home handiperson, getting most of these items from Harbor Freight will save you a bundle and give you sufficient, though probably not excellent tools. Look for sales and if you have a significant need for tools, sign up for their email coupons. They've been sending out 25% off coupons

@Gonzie: The person who mentioned RV anti-freeze has the right idea. Salt is corrosive, so avoid except for an acute use. Be sure to flush thoroughly with water after, as with any corrosive (drano, etc.). If you don't have/can't find RV anti-freeze, try auto windshield washer fluid/anti-freeze. You'll only need

@orlo: so right! I'm looking at these comments about people who've gotten thousands and thousands back from insurance on their pets and I see why my premium would be way more than I'd be willing to pay. No, I don't want to subsidize irresponsible luxury. People really need to get a grip. Pets are great, but

This post should be a timely and important wake-up call to those who are so balled up in their relationships with their pets (and by pets, I don't mean service animals—different issue entirely), that they will spend almost any amount of money on their pets. They are animals; their physical existence is ephemeral. If

This title is kind of a silly question—of course it depends on the economy in which you live and work and the circumstances of your employment—small work contribution, no or little raise/bonus and glad of it; big contribution and no or little raise/bonus and looking elsewhere. Companies and people who bargain in

@TheFu: It seems, from my experience, that using firefox or chrome, with popups, ads, and scripts blocked, together with one of the top 5 AVs should take care of just about all circumstances that one can, within reason, guard against. The slight inconvenience of having to click and activate a script when I know I