
Rezcue Rimzz.

No, here:

There is a "U TURN ONLY" lane in the far left lane that allows you to turn around before you reach the border crossing. I found it using street view on the map you just linked to.

Award worthy.

Who really cares what it's called, it belongs on the list.

What is it?


I can't. The Caddy photo is all dark an' shit.

I was thinking the same thing! Here in the Miami area no one uses turn signals so it really isn't an issue.

I can relate. I learned to drive in my mom's old manual Geo Metro with a 3 cylinder engine. That car was fun to drive!

Here in the Miami area it's all Grumman LLVs.

I'm sure the driving experience is thrilling and requires a ton of skill. The spectator experience is quite dull however and requires multiple Coors Lights and the anticipation of "the big one" crash.

He's just getting his chops down for when he retires and becomes president of his homeowners association.

Fiat Chrysler declared on Tuesday that the Chrysler brand would no longer go after premium customers, leaving Alfa Romeo and Maserati to carry the load. On one hand, it's a smart business move for clear brand identity. On the other, it's the disappearance of another Detroit luxury brand.

No, no, no, no. I said rubber OR swallow.

Fucking North Korean drones...

I can see the allure of small dirt track ovals but the modern super-speedways bore the crap out of me. I'm not sure what Nazcar fans have against road courses. My favorite race is the Nationwide in Montreal.

240 MPH? I think 200 is impressive enough, no need to stretch the truth.

Now playing

Weird. I'm going to buy one of these and drive the complete shit out of it:

When was that? Now that Indy and Cart have become one and we have more than one engine manufacturer, IndyCar is more relevant than it has been in years. Give me an IndyCar race over a Nascar race any day of the week.