
Is Xseed still gungho on digital download only releases? If so, I won't be buying any of it. It's too bad that Xseed is supporting the failed Vita and not the multitude of great PSP RPGs that are out there. Why not Trails in the Sky 2 or 7th Dragon?

Have you ever considered the many "Far East of Eden" games?

The Wii U being more powerful than what's out now or not as powerful as what comes later doesn't matter. Just find some games you enjoy and shut up.

Blacks make up 12% of the population yet every topic and political agenda must have them it seems. I think interracial marriage in games is stupid period, but this is just more Gawker liberal political correctness.

The author of the article really should have explained this better. I got through 2 paragraphs until I couldn't take it anymore and raced down to the comments section to see what exactly they meant too.

I can't stand the comment system. I used to check Kotaku at least 2 times a day, now I'm lucky to check it once a week.

I really hope this console fails. Enough RPGs are already split between Nintendo, Playstation and Microsoft. We don't need more split up.

This would do nothing but cheapen the integrity of the Olympic events. They are honed, trained athletes - not basement dwellers with too much time on their hands.

Does this remind anyone else of the villagers you have to rescue in Breath of Fire 2?

As always, smart gamers can find values any day of the week, so if you've run across a deal, share it with us in the comments.

I don't understand the love for this comment system. Coming here to read the comments was half the fun of Kotaku. You're intentionally taking away the fun of your site; it's only going to drive people away, why would anyone do that? Why is it that there will be 200 comments, but I can only read 4? Also, there's a

You have a typo. It should say "doesn't" in the second paragraph.

There is a typo in this article. In the second paragraph you should have the word "doesn't" instead of "does".

This had better come out in the west. I bought my Wii like 3 years ago because I heard that this game would be released on it. Since then I have only bought something like 5 games for the Wii. I don't think I'll be getting a Wii U so I will be really upset if they don't release the Wii version.

Why is it that Asians in general don't like Koreans? I've heard that the Japanese don't like them either.

Ah yes, a brown, polluted river with gray haze. Very adult. Just what I wanted in my lighthearted JRPG.

Quick question. If I link my facebook account will my friends on facebook be able to see that I comment on this site? Or see the comments that I make on this site?

Wow, that blog posted in the update is one of the most racist things I've ever had the displeasure of reading. How awful.

I'm pretty confused. If this means what I think it means, it will be a huge mess. Basically this website is a text based website except for a few random hours each day when it becomes more like a TV show?

I don't think ANYONE wants Final Fantasy to become a sandbox type game. They need to go back to what worked on the SNES.