
Maybe educate yourself on the Muslim culture (regarding the left hand shaking). It’s not racist if it is an actual custom of a different culture.

Half the country is liberal. And I assume, pro-DACA. These liberals and celebrities should be voting with their wallets to fork over the 150,000 DACA membership fees. That’s only $75 million generous liberals. Put your money where your mouth is. FYI Hillary raised $600 million for her failed campaign.

Well this sums up the conservative argument completely: “My mom doesn’t work, and she’s undocumented.” How does she live and pay bills in the USA?

Trump is not a White Supremacist. Is ben carson black? Is Trump’s son a law a jew? Are Trumps grandkids jews? Liberals will lose in a landslide in 2018.

Got it. So no tips for anyone in Seattle. I’m good with that.

Liberal tirades are starting to bore me.

It’s a refundable deposit. A lot of panic over absolutely nothing. If you don’t want one? Get out of my line to get one!

Apparently you liberals are too young to remember the saying....keep your friends close...and your enemies closer.

I sure hope Russian ambassadors are there, so your liberal mind just explodes.

Poor, poor snowflake.

Can we pay Hillary to go back into the woods?

More ridiculous liberal nonsensical outrage.

Buy Tesla stock now (TSLA), and you will all be rich in 5 years.

It’s all about how long you keep a car. I have no problem with having a car for 10 years. A $35K car for 10 years with no fuel costs (saving $7500 in fuel costs over 10 years?) with a range of 225 miles and almost no maintenance (no transmission changes, oil changes, mufflers, radiators, coolant, etc, etc etc...)

So many articles about Tesla’s supposed competition...when most of these cars are still only concept cars. Have limited range...and don’t have the one differentiator: FAST CHARGING CAPABILITY AND STATIONS. Will I wait 20 min to charge my vehicle after driving 200+ miles? Yes. Will I wait an hour or more? HELL NO!

It looks better that the Prius. Better performance than the Prius. Less maintenance that the Prius. Cheaper to fuel up than the Prius. Over 4 million Priuses have been sold. They start at $25K. I dunno...I think there is a quite a large market for the Tesla 3 just based on Prius sales alone.

Wow. It must really hurt that people think your race is smart. Get over it snowflakes! You’re complaining about nothing. The focus here is the one jackass of a guy. I know you want to think all Trump voters think this way. It makes you sleep well at night. I voted for Trump because I hate Hillary. Yes, I hate

Zzz..not the government’s role to love people. It is their role to defend them. You want love? Get a puppy.

They make this thing called a snowblower.

Wyoming has Volcanoes? Where?