Personally, I prefer the cleaner look of this concept — I think it’s aged more gracefully than the RX-8 we got.
Personally, I prefer the cleaner look of this concept — I think it’s aged more gracefully than the RX-8 we got.
I am beyond excited that, after years of fruitlessly begging Mr. Brownell post photos of him on a small bike, he has finally repaid reader requests with the mother lode of Big Guy / Small Bike photos.
This. ALWAYS practice emergency threshhold braking on the street. Just don’t do it on the street— find an empty parking lot (my favorites are movie theater parking lots early in the morning) and practice threshhold braking, applying just enough pressure to come THISCLOSE to locking the brakes, but no more. I do it…
but it’s a very stark reminder of the difference between the haves and have-nots.
The answer is always George Carlin: randomly placed land mines!
My holy grail is more advanced than that— I actually want all the modern tech, thank you— but I really don’t need a full-size second seat and four doors at the expense of cargo space. If I wanted a SUV/CUV, that’s what I’d get— what I want is a pickup small enough to live with in a city, yet large enough to do what I…
Don’t you mean run afowl?
Yup. Scam-a-lamma-scamma-ding-dong!
Every professional review is glowing, and the rider forums are filled with happy new owners. As a first-year model it’s guaranteed to have it’s technical quirks and growing pains, but absent some hidden grenade waiting to go off, H-D just discovered the fastest way to sell to new customers is to *make* them.
My intuition is that the global chip shortage will correct itself long before the U.S. government actually makes a difference, though I would be happy to be wrong.
The land where Jalopnik never subjects its loyal readership to another unwanted slideshow.
It’s too ugly a word— too close to “choad”— to be one I care to include in my regular vocabulary, but it’s certainly very much of a thing. A thing as ugly as the word itself.
The Nation piece won the IRE medal for investigative magazine reporting in 2001, a great honor, but the story about the multi-billion dollar sham foisted upon the world – in a realm that touches the life of every person on the planet, because the world is, thanks to a small group of well-known businessmen, covered…
I’m on record as saying that range anxiety is largely stupid
EVERYTHING can become a slideshow in GMG paradise.
We would also accept Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin.
Clearly,’it can’t be THAT profitable, or else it wouldn’t be sold, no?