
Came here to say that this clearly feels like benchmarking of Mazda.

Does he also do Jeeps?

Are you testing the Special, with the adaptive suspension?

Our favorite taillight is the one that doesn’t make it into your unwanted slideshows.

The Bogeyman who haunts my nightmares, or the innocent typo from my iPhone?


I hate that every time a young death is reported when silent on the cause, it’s reasonable to suspect it’s either drugs or suicide-- two causes of death that ought to be destigmatized if we’re going to address the mental health challenges that result in both.

60s and 70s.

Do NOT encourage them.  Well done bullshit is still bullshit.

... because some of us have parking space for a pickup and a bike, but not also a trailer.

A person shall not drive or operate any motor vehicle with ... any objects suspended between the driver and the windshield, other than: sun visors; rearview mirrors; driver feedback and safety monitoring equipment when mounted immediately behind, slightly above, or slightly below the rearview mirror.

So, suspected criminal with a warrant.  Thanks for confirming. 

Mispractice that the author can write all these words without once acknowledging that “air freshener in car = hiding pot smell” is the #1 reason why cops pull over people with air fresheners, NOT automotive safety.

I absolutely hate responding to this thread knowing I’m contributing to another frakkin’ slideshow (WE ALLLLLLLL HATE YOUR SLIDESHOWS), but fine, harumph, here’s my contribution, the vaporware star of a million bedroom posters:

... and I’m in NJ all the time on a motorcycle, which makes it delightful, as I can just wave out the attendants from doing my own damn pumping of gasoline.

Literally all I want a vehicle like this is so I can transport an offroading dirtbike back and forth to the trails. I have no need of four seats (just enough inside area behind the front two seats to keep groceries dry is all).

MV Agusta: The Official Motorcycle Provider of Bad Idea Jeans (TM).

Many folks on Twitter pointed to Robert Moses, the subject of The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York by Robert Caro.

Hopped in here to note Chicago’s the same way, but it seems as if they’ve improved the CTA/Pace interoperability over the years since I’ve lived there, so perhaps it’s not as (logistically) segregated as it once was?