Actually, missile defense has no detrimental effect on MAD and can’t make you less safe if it *doesn’t* work.
Actually, missile defense has no detrimental effect on MAD and can’t make you less safe if it *doesn’t* work.
Aspirational desire. This is the same challenge facing motorcycle manufacturers considering electric bikes, only it’s *even worse* for them.
Sometimes I think these marketing assholes try to make the worst commercials possible for buzz.
I haven’t ridden it, but I’ve sat on it, and as a previous owner of a CB500F, I’m well-familiar with the engine (albeit differently-tuned).
Yes, that’s one item missing from this piece: THE LAW.
Damn millennials and their damn selfies.
If you really need to let out your inner hoon, there’s always plenty of room in my landlord’s backyard.
Yes, even as recently as ten years ago. You know, back when they still sold plastic fuel tanks in the ethanol-soaked U.S. marketplace, relied on engines that required insane valve checks, and had an exceptionally limited dealer network.
I have mixed feelings, so many feelings.
Nobody’s first bike in 2017 should have carbs. Period.
Did a demo ride this past weekend. Looooovvvve the bike. It is objectively beautiful in the white S trim.
Heh... we’re a Rossi household. ;-)
Going to my first race this year! Woohoo!
Here is where speakers on a bike make sense: when parked at the rally.
But, let’s say (pray for) a mid-control version of the Scout Sixty in the sub-$9,000 range? That could be a game changer.
I also bought long-term care insurance when I started riding. Heaven forbid I end up in a bed eating through a straw with no way to take care of myself.
Having ridden the TU250 in my MSF course and owned a 2007 EX250, I can tell you that they’re both equally comfortable. A lot of folks over the years were fooled by the Ninjette’s appearance into thinking its ergos were all sportbike, when in reality it’s far closer to a standard than it is to a literbike.
I love how everyone focuses on switching between F1, Indy, and NASCAR, ignoring the preposterous toss-aside of “Yeah, sure, I’d like to ride MotoGP.”
If only they’d put the manual back in the top model...